February is a bit of a ‘bridging month’. On the 2nd, Candlemas, we say a final goodbye to Christmas, and then turn our attention to the Baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist and St Valentine’s Day. Only 12 days after that, and we will be into Shrove Tuesday, Ash Wednesday and Lent – with Easter looming up in the distance.
With so much going on, you should find your February magazine a satisfying and easy issue to produce. In any case, we have loads to offer you this month, from articles on Lent, Prayer and Fasting, to articles on Romance and Love, as well as sobering news from the Persecuted Churches in Nigeria and China.
February also brings important anniversaries on Anne Frank, Nelson Mandela and Eric Liddell, not to mention YouTube. We have articles on all three, under our Community section.
Best wishes from Anne Coomes and the Parish Pump Team