Welcome to the latest issue of Parish Pump, with material suitable for your websites (now), and/or your magazines next month (August).
We are living in extraordinary times: the first worldwide pandemic for 100 years, and, as the Bishop of London, Sarah Mullally, says, “the first period without public worship and the sacraments in England in more than 800 years.”
But across the country, churches like yours have risen to the challenge. You have found many ways to keep your Christian fellowship and witness thriving.
We want to help you, by keeping you supplied with the latest stories of how coronavirus is affecting the Church, and of how Christians are dealing with the crisis. But these stories keep coming thick and fast, too fast now for a monthly update.
So, we have decided to change our website a bit:
- From now on, our NEWS section will be updated on a WEEKLY basis, instead of a monthly one.
- The latest NEWS, especially on coronavirus, will be posted every Friday afternoon at 4pm.
- This makes it easy if you want to refresh your church website every weekend.
On a personal note, we hope that you are staying well and safe. Here at Parish Pump, we have been mostly fine, but sadly one of our regular contributors and his wife caught Covid-19. Thankfully they are both getting better now.
If there is any way in which we can help you, please do not hesitate to contact me at
With warm wishes
Anne Coomes and the Parish Pump Team.