We have finally reached the end of 2020. What an extraordinary year! Unprecedented, frightening, strange, off-the-scale for loneliness and hardship for so many of us.
Now you are making plans for your magazine in 2021. Is it worth the effort to keep it going each month?
We here at Parish Pump believe the answer is YES! It is easy to explain why:
Your church family: More than ever, this year has separated you from each other, and things won’t change for several months yet. Why stop the one publication that unites you all, and which reminds you that you are a family? Not everyone in your church will be on Facebook.
Your local community: Again, not everyone in your community will bother to follow your church on Facebook. So, without your magazine out there in the community, many local people will not have any regular reminder of the Christian message.
Your magazine is unique. It is tangible and can easily get into the homes of both local Christians and local non-church people alike. This coming year it can bring them messages of hope and encouragement – that God has not forsaken them.
We think that in 2021, church magazines will be more important than ever.
With warm wishes for a peaceful December and Happy Christmas
Anne Coomes and the Parish Pump Team