This isn’t our April issue ‘as usual’, for Easter comes early this year.
But we would draw your attention to the News stories this month – for the General Synod has just met and discussed issues that may well be important to the lives of people in your church.
For example:
- Concern for the growing tensions across the world – is this the start of World War Three? The Pope thinks that it might be.
- Assisted dying – is suicide ever the right thing to do? The Bishop of London says there is a better way forward.
- Are there bullies among the leaders in your own church? General Synod is preparing legislation so that abusive lay officers, such as church wardens and members of the PCC, can be legally challenged and forced to submit to a code of conduct – or resign.
You probably won’t be able to get news of all the General Synod debates into your magazine, so why not consider producing a one-off ‘General Synod Digest’ for your PCC and AGM this month? The issues under discussion affect every single one of us, and it might be helpful for your church to prayerfully consider them.
In any event, we hope that this month’s issue will be a real help to you in producing your April magazine.
With all warm regards
Anne Coomes and the Parish Pump Team.