This June we look back on two events which changed modern British history: it is 70 years since the last Coronation, and 75 years since the arrival of Windrush.

It is also the month of Refugee Week, with some refugees reflecting on the compassion and kindness they have found here in the UK.
Meanwhile, the war in Ukraine and now the violence in Sudan disrupts the lives of millions. Aid agencies are doing what they can, but they need our support to be able to help these desperate people.
And here in the UK food banks are still on the rise, with some alarming statistics from the Trussell Trust.
June also brings us the regular yearly observance of Trinity Sunday, Father’s Day and the Summer solstice.
All in all, there is a lot going on, and we offer articles on all of it, so you should not have any trouble enriching and making the most of your church magazine this month.
With all good wishes
Anne Coomes and the Parish Pump Team.