There is so much uncertainty abroad in the world just now that you may find it difficult to work up much enthusiasm for your November magazine.
Certainly, the four traditional ‘special’ days of November pick up on the current issues facing us all.
Bonfire Night has its origins in political struggles for power and turmoil in Parliament, both of which seem likely to continue this autumn.
Remembrance Day reminds us of the slaughter and pain and unbearable cost of war.

But Advent assures us that God has not left us in this world on our own. He has come to live among us, to die in our place, and to be our Way, our Truth and our very Life, if we but turn to Him.
And the Sunday of Christ the King reminds us that this world with its evil and unfairness will not be allowed to go on forever. Jesus Christ has overcome death and will return to us one day. And HIS Kingdom will be one of justice and righteousness, with no more tears, and He will reign forever. Amen!
May the Lord bless you and keep you this month, amid any personal uncertainties you may be facing.
Anne Coomes and the Parish Pump Team