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- ALL EDITORIAL for January 2019
- All Editorial for February 2018
- Here you can download in one document ALL the editorial for December 2018, in either .doc or .docxALL EDITORIAL for December 2018
- Here you can download in one document ALL the editorial for this month, in either .doc or .docxALL EDITORIAL for October 2018
- Here you can download in one document ALL the editorial for this month.ALL EDITORIAL for September 2018
- Here are the ALL EDITORIAL files for August 2018. You can download them as a .doc or .txt file containing all the editorial articles for this month.ALL EDITORIAL for AUGUST 2018
- Here are the ALL EDITORIAL files for July 2018. You can download them as a .doc or .txt file containing all the editorial articles for this month.ALL EDITORIAL
- All the editorial articles for this month in one bundle.All Editorial for June 2018
- News General Synod welcomes move towards communion with Methodist Church General Synod backs motion to tackle food waste Thy Kingdom Come – time to reach out to our communities THY KINGDOM COME prayer movement is back – and growing like wildfire Plastic Challenge not just for Lent The Royal British Legion launches THE SILENT SOLDIER Pursue...All Editorial for April 2018
- ALL EDITORIAL for MARCH 2018 ** News Not too late for a Lent Course! Start today. Growing poverty is taking its toll on our health and relationships Christians suffer during renewed fighting in Syria Church Mission Society launces first ever online resources platform dedicated to mission Christians Against Poverty help even more people When Faith...All Editorial for March 2018
- ALL EDITORIAL for JANUARY 2018 News Editor: There are not many current church ‘news’ stories that will still be relevant for your readers in the New Year, but here is a possible selection…. British want cathedrals and churches protected for future generations, new poll reveals Homophobic, biphobic and transphobic (HBT) bullying tackled in new guidance...All Editorial for January 2018
- News Christmas 2017 – #GodWithUs Bible Society launches Christmas film for children Prime Minister backs Church of England drive to eradicate modern slavery Church of England reaches more than a million on social media every month A Christmas gift with a difference! Rohingya Refugee Crisis Appeal Nine out of ten say that mission is for...All Editorial for December 2017