Viewing all items in Resource Category: Holy Days
Featuring the Saints whose feast-day is this month
- On Holy Cross Day the Church celebrates the Cross as a symbol of triumph, as the sign of Christ’s victory over death. Holy Cross Day goes right back to 14 September 335, and we have the mother of a Roman Emperor to thank for it. Helena was a devout Christian, and after her son, Constantine,...14th September – Holy Cross Day
- Teaching people to ‘tithe’ can be a delicate matter. Some clergy teach ‘tithing’ well, and inspire their people to great generosity of spirit. Other clergy teach ‘tithing’ at least well enough, and get their people’s sluggish cooperation. But – there are clergy who teach ‘tithing’ badly – and then, watch out! St Adam (bishop 1213...15th September – St Adam of Caithness, the way NOT to tithe
- Cyprian is the saint for anyone who has given up a successful career in order to serve God in a difficult Christian ministry. For, before he became a Christian, Cyprian ‘had it all’. He was a renowned Orator of Carthage, teaching rhetoric and advocacy. But then, in AD 245, when he was in his mid...NEW * 15th September – St Cyprian, Bishop of Carthage
- Have you ever sinned since you became a Christian? Really sinned – or in other words done something that was SO wrong and totally ‘out of line’ with being a Christian that you are still ashamed when you think of it now. If so, and if you went on to ask God’s forgiveness for it,...16th September – St Cornelius, the saint who had mercy on sinning Christians
- Ninian was a Celt who was born about 360, in southern Scotland. He was remarkable for two things: he was almost certainly the first man in Scotland to live in a little white stone house, and also the first to preach the gospel to the Scots. Just as remarkable: becoming the apostle to the Picts...16th September – St Ninian, Apostle of the Picts (Scotland)
- Joseph of Copertino (1603 – 63) should be the patron saint of all awkward people who mean well, but who drive those around them to distraction – especially their church leaders. Joseph began life in a garden shed, because his father had sold the house to pay debts. Then he grew up wandering about open-mouthed...18th September – St Joseph of Copertino, the awkward saint
- Theodore had several things in common with Justin Welby: despite living in troubled times, and in the aftermath of a severe national plague, he made extensive tours of his archbishopric, spoke at many Synods, and worked tirelessly to unite the bickering factions of the Church in England. But, unlike Justin Welby, Theodore did not start...19th September – Theodore of Tarsus, Archbishop of Canterbury in troubled times
- Korea is known for its thriving Christian church. But it was not always so – in fact no Korean was baptised until as late as 1784. Christianity arrived in Korea through Christian books sent from China, and the Koreans responded warmly as soon as they heard the Good News. A Chinese priest who visited in...20th September – The Martyrs of Korea
- St Matthew was one of 12 apostles. But he began as a publican i.e. a tax-collector of Jewish race who worked for the Romans, before he left all at the call of Christ. From earliest times, he was regarded as the author of the first of the four Gospels. The Gospel of Matthew is in...21st September – St Matthew
- 23rd September is the autumnal equinox (if you live in the northern hemisphere) or the vernal (Spring) equinox (if you live in the southern hemisphere) The equinoxes occur in March and September, when the Sun is ‘edgewise’ to the Earth’s axis of rotation, so that everywhere on earth has twelve hours of daylight and twelve...23rd September – When the sun goes edgewise, and daytime equals night
- It’s amazing how little some things change down the centuries. Take the life of Gerard Sagredo, for instance. He left his ‘comfort zone’ of home and church because he felt God’s calling on his life. He travelled abroad and taught in order to earn his living in a non-Christian country. In his spare time he...24th September – St Gerard Sagredo, church planting in the 11th century
- St Ceolfrith is a good patron saint for anyone who has studied hard for their profession, is strong in the face of tragedy, and who can also offer some homely care to others in need. This well-loved abbot of Wearmouth and Jarrow came from a noble Northumbrian family, and was ordained at Ripon when he...25th September – St Ceolfrith, baking and Bibles