Viewing all items in Resource Category: Holy Days
Featuring the Saints whose feast-day is this month
- Wilson Carlile was born in Brixton in 1847, and did not set out to become an evangelist. Instead, he was brilliant at both languages and music, and excelled as a businessman. That is, until an economic recession and serious illness brought him crashing down and finished his career, aged only 31. Not surprisingly, a serious...26th September – Wilson Carlile, founder of the Church Army
- Very few people stand out as being incredibly good, but Vincent de Paul was one of them. His life touched thousands of people, who were helped and inspired by his love and kindness. Vincent de Paul was born in 1581 to a Gascon peasant family at Ranquine. Educated by the Franciscans and then at Toulouse...27th September – Vincent de Paul, patron of all charitable societies
- What really gets a woman remembered? Loved? Respected? Lioba the abbess of Bischofsheim is the patron saint for any woman who wants to make the most of her life. Lioba was born in Wessex early in the 8th century. Her family was noble, her mother was a relative of the monk Boniface (the Billy Graham...28th September – St Lioba, a memorable woman
- St Michael is an archangel, whose name means ‘who is like unto God?’ He makes various appearances throughout the Bible, from the book of Daniel to the Book of Revelation. In Daniel, he is ‘one of the princes’ of the heavenly host, and the special guardian of Israel. In Revelation, he is the principal fighter...29th September – Michael and All Angels
- What is an angel? Easy, people think: a shining figure with glorious wings, who appears from time to time to do some mighty work for God or bring a very special message from him. Well, that’s right in one sense (apart from the wings, which owe more to stained glass windows than the Bible). But...29th September – Enter all the angels, led by Michael
- Sundays of the Month 4th August Tenth Sunday after Trinity 11th August Eleventh Sunday after Trinity 18th August Twelfth Sunday after Trinity 25th August Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity ** Editor: Kings and mystics, writers and martyrs – August does well with its feast days that remember outstanding Christians. 1 Ethelwold, Saint of...High Days and Holy Days for August 2024
- St Ethelwold (c.912 – 84) did great things for the church at Winchester, which in those days was the principle town of Wessex. He began as a simple monk, eager to restore the Rule of Benedictine in England, a major reform for the church of the time. So, after serving at the abbey in Glastonbury,...1st August – Ethelwold, the Wessex saint
- You know how some men find some women’s interest in romance and clothes hard to cope with? Well, Sithney (or Sezni) should be the patron saint of all such men. According to a Breton folk legend, Sithney was a hermit of long ago, minding his own business, when one day God told him that he...4th August – Sithney, the saint who preferred mad dogs to women
- Jean-Baptiste Vianney is the saint for those whose passion is to help people find peace with God. Vianney was born near Lyons in 1786, the son of a peasant farmer. With no money for schooling, he first became a shepherd. But, like David in the Bible, his deep personal faith and zeal soon drew him...4th August – Jean-Baptiste Vianney Curé d’Ars, spiritual guide
- Many Christians have dreamed of doing something spectacular for God, which would be remembered for centuries afterwards. Oswald, who lived from 605 to 642AD, was in a position to do so. He was a King, whose father, Aethelfrith, was a great warrior who laid the foundations of the great kingdom of Northumbria. But Aethelfrith was...5th August – Oswald’s faith, courage and humility
- The story is told in Matthew (17:1-9), Mark (9:1-9) and Luke (9:28-36). It was a time when Jesus’ ministry was popular, when people were seeking Him out. But on this day, He made time to take Peter, James and John, His closest disciples, up a high mountain. In the fourth century, Cyrillic of Jerusalem identified...6th August – The Transfiguration, a glimpse of glory
- It’s an unusual story. One day, Jesus is with three disciples on a high mountain in Galilee, when His appearance dramatically changes. Also, Moses and Elijah suddenly appear, and from a cloud comes the voice of God. What is this all about? This event was witnessed by James, Peter, and John. They were close friends...6th August – The Transfiguration of Jesus