Viewing all items in Resource Category: Looking at God
Inspirational and devotional articles to encourage your readers in their faith.
- How do we say goodbye to someone who we have known for many years and enjoyed their company? We arrange a farewell party! When Jesus prepared to leave, it was very different. He arranged His last meal and it was no party. His disciples were in for a shock. Jesus brought His friends together and...Servanthood
- ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive’ (Acts 20:35). This unique saying of Jesus, not recorded in the gospels, is quoted by the apostle Paul in the book of Acts. These few words contain a powerful truth about giving and receiving love. Stage 1 – receiving love. As children we love to receive...Giving and receiving
- Why is the passionflower called the passionflower? This beautiful climbing plant that grows in many of our gardens, was discovered in South America by Spanish missionaries centuries ago. Drawings were sent back to Europe and in 1609 an Italian priest interpreted the flower to represent the crucifixion, otherwise known as the Passion. The five petals...Passionflower
- The Way of the Cross From the Vicar Psalm 84 – a heart for pilgrimage When Spring comes The bonus years Family and Freedom Have you done something which haunts you? Look for good pasture – spend time with good people What Psalm 23 is really all about ** Editor: The Revd Canon Paul Hardingham...Looking at God (all articles) for March 2020
- ‘Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow Me.’ (Luke 9: 23) These words of Jesus are spoken at a turning point in the gospel. Jesus challenges the disciples about His identity and their commitment to Him: ‘who do the crowds say I am?’ (18). It...The Way of the Cross
- ‘Whoever wants to be My disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow Me.’ (Luke 9: 23) These words of Jesus are spoken at a turning point in the gospel. Jesus challenges the disciples about His identity and their commitment to Him: ‘who do the crowds say I am?’ (18). It...From the Vicar
- This psalm is appropriate to think about during Lent, as it was used by pilgrims going up to Jerusalem. It speaks of the journey to find the presence of God in our lives. Where is our heart with God? A Heart for God’s Presence: ‘How lovely is your dwelling-place, Lord Almighty! My soul yearns, even...Psalm 84 – a heart for pilgrimage
- ‘See! The winter is past; the rains are over and gone. Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come, the cooing of doves is heard in our land.’ Song of Songs 2:11-12 March is the month that I associate with the coming of Spring, my favourite time of the year, and such...When Spring comes
- ‘Our days may come to 70 years, or 80, if our strength endures.’ Psalm 90:10 I have known this verse most of my life, but only this month has it become reality for me. Yes, I have transitioned into my 70s and am now a septuagenarian. It is a strange feeling as I realise that...The bonus years
- The ructions in the Royal Family in January, widely reported (whether a fact or guess work) remind us that while they are ‘royal’ they are also a ‘family’. God sets the lonely in families, the Bible says. But He also sets the awkward, the odd and the rebellious in them. Families are not associations of...Family and Freedom
- Do you ever worry that your past failings mean that God will not accept you now? Some of us have done many things which we regret – things that have caused us, or others, great pain. We’ve given our children short shrift, we’ve betrayed our marriage partners, we’ve been dishonest at work, we’ve been ruthlessly...Have you done something which haunts you?
- There are some people who inspire you to be all you can as a Christian. When you meet one of these, it is a good idea to stay near them, and learn all you can from them. We are affected by the people whom we spend time with – pray that you will meet people...Look for good pasture – spend time with good people