Viewing all items in Resource Category: Looking at You
A snap-shot of social trends and daily life in the 21st century
- Millennials opt for low-alcohol drinks The sales of low-alcohol drinks have soared in the past year by more than a fifth. It seems that health-conscious millennials are choosing low-alcohol beer or soft drinks instead of the traditional range of alcoholic drinks. Over the past decade, drinking among young people has steadily fallen. Some are mindful...Millennials opt for low-alcohol drinks
- Are you an online dating addict? Are you a 40 or 50-something who uses dating apps? While you are not alone – recent studies on social trends show that more and more older people are dating via apps – beware becoming addicted to using the apps. For here is the problem: when you join a...Are you an online dating addict?
- Men, get a grip It seems that women prefer to marry men who have a strong grip. Recent research has found that men with a sturdier grip are more likely to be married than those with a weak grip. And there may be good logic to this, for manual strength is an established measure of...Men, get a grip
- Exercise chases the blues away If you exercise for even a mere 20 minutes a day, you will cut your risk of developing depression. King’s College London has found that meeting the recommended weekly guideline of 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity, such as cycling or brisk walking, can have a huge impact on the...Exercise chases the blues away
- Burning calories as you garden The average British gardener burns 51,428 calories a year in their garden, and mowing the lawn is one of the highest ways of using energy – about 600 calories a month. Mowing the grass takes 5.7 calories per metre. Weeding takes 4.5 calories, as does potting plants. Digging burns 5...Burning calories as you garden
- Why so much stress in our schools? School closes this month. And maybe that’s not a moment too soon for many children and their teachers, who are suffering increasing levels of stress and anxiety in school. For children as young as four are showing signs of mental health problems, with increasing anxiety, panic attacks and...Why so much stress in our schools?
- Beware addictive games How will your children be spending their time this summer? Hopefully not in playing too many highly addictive video games such as Fortnight. Fortnight pits 100 players against each other and is free to play on mobile phones and consoles. Since its launch last July, it has been downloaded more than 40...Beware addictive games
- All the Looking at You articles for this month gathered together in one placeLooking at You June 2018 (all articles)
- The righteous perish, and no one takes it to heart; the devout are taken away, and no one understands that the righteous are taken away to be spared from evil. Those who walk uprightly enter into peace; they find rest as they lie in death’ (Isaiah 57:1-2 NIV) What happens to their Facebook page when they die...What about Facebook after you die?
- ‘Everyone seems to be against something’, someone said to me the other day, and I had to agree. ‘What I can’t stand is . . .’ can be followed by almost anything, from babies screaming in the coffee shop to people who will say ‘Take care!’, junk mail, careless parkers or even someone’s accent or...“People nowadays”
- Do you mash your own potatoes? Maybe not, if the sales figures are anything to go by: we bought £76million worth of chilled mashed potato last year. Prepared mashed potato was popular in the Seventies and Eighties with the arrival of Smash! powder, which lost popularity in the Nineties. Now the purchase of ready-mashed chilled...Mash?
- ‘Gain a child and lose a tooth’ may not be just an old wives’ tale. Recent research has found that women who have three children are likely to have fewer teeth than women with two children. It is thought that pregnancy hormones may be interfering with calcium absorption, thus leaving teeth more likely to decay...Tooth