Viewing all items in Resource Category: Looking at your Church
Stories of Christians in action, both at home and around the world
- There’s bad news for vicars, priests and other church ministers in the latest results of a long-running research project. British people trust taxi drivers and restaurant staff more than clergy and priests to tell them the truth, according to the latest findings of an annual ‘Veracity Index.’ Just 55 per cent of people aged 16...Trust in clergy falls by a third
- Release International, which serves the Persecuted Church around the world, has named China as a country of particular concern for 2023. Bob Fu, a partner of Release International, warns “The Chinese government has steadily increased the oppression and control of Christians. Techno-authoritarianism in China has begun to reach new extremes under Xi Jinping in his...Chinese are increasing ‘weaponised surveillance’ against Christians
- At the height of the Covid pandemic, the work of two Christian ministers in Burnley, Lancashire, moved TV viewers across the world. They were filmed by a BBC crew handing out food parcels and seeking to help people suffering deeply because of the lockdown. The two men – Pastor Mick Fleming and Father Alex Frost...Burnley ministers tell their stories via TV
- On 19th March most churches will celebrate their ‘mothers’. £millions will be spent on Mother’s Day gifts and cards, and children will give flowers to women in church. It’s a joy to honour mothers for their love and caring, but our blessings are lessened when we forget the Day’s original purpose. The Mother’s Day we...Let’s make 19th March a Mothering Sunday
- In a remote village in Central America the word got out that one of the missionaries who had served their region for many years was about to return home because of her old age. The people decided to hold an event of ‘public appreciation’ for her. One very old and very poor man walked for...Giving the journey
- Remembering Ukraine – one year on The gates of hell Church leaders protest over Cumbrian mine Fairtrade Fortnight 2023 Caring for your family Sometimes it is wise to retreat Church Commissioners to vote against failure on human rights ** Remembering Ukraine – one year on 24th February is the first anniversary of the war in...Looking at Church (all articles) for February 2023
- 24th February is the first anniversary of the war in Ukraine, which has seen nearly eight million people displaced and thousands killed. This winter is the worst in living memory for most Ukrainians, with medicine, food, water, and heating in short supply. If you would like to mark the first year by helping the people...Remembering Ukraine – one year on
- The Russian invasion of Ukraine has “opened the gates of hell” and unleashed evil around the world. So said the Archbishop of Canterbury during a recent interview on BBC1’s Sunday with Laura Kuenssberg. He told of how, during his recent visit to Ukraine, he had seen the mass grave in Bucha, and heard of the...The gates of hell
- More than 450 church leaders and Christian campaigners have recently signed an open letter to the Prime Minister, calling for a reversal on the Government’s decision to open a new coal mine in Cumbria. The mine, near Whitehaven, would be the first in Britain for more than 30 years. But the campaigners say that while...Church leaders protest over Cumbrian mine
- This year Fairtrade Fortnight runs 27th February to 12th March. It comes with a sombre reminder: climate change means that soon some of our favourite foods, such as bananas, cocoa and coffee could be harder to grow. And if that is combined with deeply unfair trade, then communities growing these crops will be pushed to...Fairtrade Fortnight 2023
- Valentine’s Day is for February, but love is for all year round, and that is not always easy. Relationships have their ups and downs, and sometimes a bit of encouragement helps a lot. So this year, you may find Care for the Family to be worth a visit. Its blog, podcasts and other resources offer...Keep the love going all year round
- Lent is supposed to prepare us for Easter, but making time for spiritual reflection in our busy lives can be hard. One solution is to take a short retreat, at one of the many retreat houses or centres around the country. It has been said that “Retreats are for ordinary people at any time in...Sometimes it is wise to retreat