Viewing all items in Resource Category: Looking at your Church
Stories of Christians in action, both at home and around the world
- The special gift of Christmas for people living with dementia 160 years of healing in Nazareth A heart for helping the people of the Middle East Church of England commits £2m to helping house vulnerable people Mothers’ Union partners campaign against domestic abuse Church of Scotland’s partners ask for prayers for crisis in Sri Lanka...Looking at Church (all articles) for December 2022
- Christmas time, with its music and traditions, offers “a special gift” to people living with dementia. Christmas can act as a powerful reminiscence therapy, especially for Christian believers, who will have long term memories of past Christmases, even though their short-term memory (working memory) has faded. So says Louise Morse, a cognitive behavioural therapist and...The special gift of Christmas for people living with dementia
- Jesus brought healing to Galilee, and nowadays the Nazareth Trust carries on this work through running one of the oldest hospitals in the Middle East. The Nazareth Trust traces its roots back to 1861 and is now one of the largest Christian organisations in Israel. Located in Nazareth, the Trust engages with around 400,000 people...160 years of healing in Nazareth
- There are numerous communities in the Middle East which, for one reason or another, find themselves excluded from the mainstream. They are the focus of the charity ‘Embrace the Middle East’, which supports more than 50 health, education and community projects through their partners on the ground. Embrace the Middle East explains: “We enable and...A heart for helping the people of the Middle East
- The Church of England’s Social Impact Investment Programme has committed £2m towards the second Social and Sustainable Housing Fund (SASH II) managed by Social and Sustainable Capital. SASH II seeks to enable charities and social sector organisations to acquire portfolios of property that provide a combination of high quality housing and targeted support to vulnerable...Church of England commits £2m to helping house vulnerable people
- Mothers’ Union has teamed up with Women’s Aid in a campaign to help draw attention to end domestic abuse. The campaign aims to highlight the fact that 1.6 million women in England experience domestic abuse every year. Three women are killed each fortnight by a current or ex-partner. And one in every seven children will...Mothers’ Union partners campaign against domestic abuse
- Representatives from partner churches in Sri Lanka have written to the Church of Scotland, asking “for prayers as the country navigates a distressing economic and political crisis”. Sri Lanka’s economic crisis is happening alongside political instability and increased levels of poverty due to persistent financial deficits, mounting debt, and poor governance. The Covid-19 pandemic and...Church of Scotland’s partners ask for prayers for crisis in Sri Lanka
- 30 years since the C of E said ‘yes’ to women priests Christian charity sets out action plan to combat cost-of-living crisis Thinking of Guy Fawkes ‘Support Ukrainian refugees’ – Tearfund Prayers for Remembrance Getting ready to celebrate 900 years of pilgrimage to St David’s Cathedral Support a Christian charity through your Christmas cards **...Looking at Church (all articles) for November 2022
- 30 years ago, on 11th November 1992, the Church of England voted to allow women to become priests. The first women were ordained in March 1994.30 years since the C of E said ‘yes’ to women priests
- A Christian charity has set out an urgent action plan to help churches respond to the gathering storm. The Jubilee Plus social action charity has published detailed advice to help local congregations support families and individuals survive the coming winter. In ‘Responding to a Deepening Crisis,’ Jubilee Plus has called on churches and Christians to...Christian charity sets out action plan to combat cost-of-living crisis
- I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people – for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good and pleases God our Saviour. 1 Timothy 2:1-3 Guy Fawkes Night used to be...Thinking of Guy Fawkes
- Tearfund is calling on British Christians to help support the many displaced and desperate Ukrainian refugees that have fled their country since the start of the brutal war. Since February, more than five million people have been displaced, their families scattered, their homes and cities destroyed. Tearfund’s partners in Ukraine have been working around the...‘Support Ukrainian refugees’ – Tearfund