Viewing all items in Resource Category: Looking at your Church
Stories of Christians in action, both at home and around the world
- Remembrance Sunday will be especially poignant this year, as Russia’s war on Ukraine continues to cast long shadows over Europe. But Remembrance is also a time to remember those whom we have loved and lost, from Queen Elizabeth II to members of our own families. So, these prayers may help direct your thoughts as you...Prayers for Remembrance
- The smallest city with the biggest history of pilgrimage – that is St David’s Wales. And next year, 2023, brings the 900th anniversary of Pope Callixtus II declaring that two pilgrimages to St David’s Cathedral were equal to one journey to Rome. No wonder that the Diocese of St David’s has designated 2023 as its Year of...Getting ready to celebrate 900 years of pilgrimage to St David’s Cathedral
- If you are about to buy Christmas cards, you may find it worthwhile to visit as they offer a range of Christmas cards that raise money for various Christian charities.Support a Christian charity through your Christmas cards
- Animal Welfare Sunday – 2nd October Remembering prisoners during Prisons Week – 9th to 15th October A comedian, a bishop, two lads and a laptop walk into a racecourse…< Christians Against Poverty Sunday – 16th October Celebrating Bible Sunday 30th October Bible Sunday 30th October: how many translations by now? Send a Cow changes its...Looking at Church (all articles) for October 2022
- This year, Animal Welfare Sunday falls on Sunday 2nd October, which is the nearest Sunday to St Francis’ feast day on Tuesday 4th. It is a good opportunity to thank God for the animals, and to consider how we might help them. Christians have been involved in animal welfare reform throughout history. For example, even...Animal Welfare Sunday – 2nd October
- More than 80,000 people are currently being held in UK prisons. Many of them have caused acute misery and hurt to innocent people, and so it is tempting to forget about them now. But Jesus commanded that we do the opposite – that when it comes to showing compassion, we should include in our care...Remembering prisoners during Prisons Week – 9th to 15th October
- When a comedian, a bishop, two lads and a laptop walk into a racecourse it can mean only one thing – the return of the Christian Resources Exhibition to Sandown Park (Oct 11-13 2022). Much-loved comedian Tim Vine (picture attached) will open the event, often dubbed ‘the ideal church show’, Bishop Mike Royal, general secretary...A comedian, a bishop, two lads and a laptop walk into a racecourse…
- Everyone is feeling a bit poorer this autumn, as the cost-of-living spirals upwards at an alarming rate. For people who are already in financial difficulties, the cost of living will probably be at crisis point already. And so, Christians Against Poverty (CAP) says: “It’s more vital than ever that the Church shines God’s love brightly...Christians Against Poverty Sunday – 16th October
- What is a good way to ‘celebrate’ this annual day of appreciation for our Bibles? One way might be to send a Bible to someone in prison. Certainly, Bibles seem to be wanted there just now. Bible Society reports that: “Prison chaplains are telling us that more and more prisoners urgently want to read God’s...Celebrating Bible Sunday 30th October
- Ever wonder how many Bible translations there are in the world? And how many more are still needed? Wycliffe Bible Translators reports the following, as of 2021: There are now 3,495 languages, which have some Scripture available to 7.04 billion people. This figure of 3,495 breaks down into: 717 languages with a complete Bible –...Bible Sunday 30th October: how many translations by now?
- Send a Cow has changed its name to Ripple Effect, to reflect the far-reaching impact of its work with small holder farmers in rural Africa. “For every family we work with, three more families benefit too. As they learn more, grow more and sell more, the benefits are shared with their families, neighbours and communities....Send a Cow changes its name, but not its mission
- Release International has reported an “alarming scale of rising violence in Nigeria” as terrorists attempt to Islamise the nation. The violence is expected to rise as Nigeria heads towards next year’s presidential elections. In Plateau State alone, the number of Christians killed is not less than 20,000. “We have their names and addresses. And yet...Nigeria’s spiral of violence aimed at more Christians