Viewing all items in Resource Category: Editorial
- By Tony Horsfall, BRF, £3.99 Infused with wisdom, compassion and a generous sharing of personal experience, these readings show how the disorientation that so often mark this time of transition can lead to a renewed sense of purpose and vocation, and an ever-deeper confidence in God. Midlife is an opportunity to make peace with our...Facing Midlife – Bible readings for special times
- By Anne le Tissier, BRF, £7.99 Many young Christian women, despite their faith, still struggle with low self-esteem, eating disorders and general unhappiness. Social media, ‘selfie’ culture, economic uncertainty and the relentless pressure to look a certain way can all take their toll on even the most resilient. For the insecure and vulnerable, the pressures...The Mirror that Speaks Back – looking at, listening to and reflecting your worth in Jesus
- By Harriet and Donald Mowat, BRF, £8.99 Here is a Christian perspective on ageing, developed within the UK’s health and social care services over the past 40 years. Addressing profound and critical questions – What is ageing for? Is old age included in the purposes of God? What does ‘successful’ ageing look like? – the...The Freedom of Years – ageing in perspective
- Editor: The American evangelist Billy Graham died in late February. Here we look back on some of his notable quotes… Some of Billy Graham’s notable quotes I’ve read the last page of the Bible, it’s all going to turn out all right. It is the Holy Spirit’s job to convict, God’s job to judge and...Quotes of the month
- Calming the storm I was telling my children the story of when Jesus and the disciples were in a boat, crossing the Sea of Galilee, and a storm came up and threatened to sink them. I went on: ‘Meanwhile, Jesus had fallen asleep in the stern. So, the disciples, scared of drowning, went back and...Smile Lines
- The art we see in churches on banners, carvings and windows is often full of monograms. It may be IHS: the Latin words for Jesus, Saviour of Mankind; or INRI: Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews above the figure of our Lord on the cross. And this month, the Chi-Rho: the first two letters...‘He gave us eyes to see them’ – the Chi-Rho
- The Rectory St James the Least My dear Nephew Darren It was kind of you to send your music group to us last Sunday morning while our choir had a Sunday off for its celebratory lunch. Miss Timmins’ ninety-fourth birthday brought the combined choir’s age to 1,000; which is quite a distinction for twelve people....When guitars meet Matins
- (John 20: 19-23) Locked in, afraid, Uncertain, even after Mary’s story, even after that behind closed doors seemed safest, on the first day of the week, in the evening. And then, the world changed. He was with us! Suddenly and wonderfully with us. Jesus, our Lord, alive and with us in a new and completing...On the first day of the week, in the evening
- A teacher, a good man, a story teller All of these things people will say, A prophet who spoke of heavenly things But upsetting the religious men of His day? He healed so many, raised the dead Easy to see how these tales would grow, Walking on water, stilling the storm? These are just stories...But who do you say I am?
- The echoes of the angels’ tears Ring deep within my soul; The music of celestial spheres Sweeps o’er me as they roll. O loving Lord, I kneel and raise My song of worship deep; For melodies of love and praise And songs that make me weep. For those who have Your precious gift To...The precious gift
- Some dried-out leaves Some water boiled How could they please? They should be spoiled! And yet we know On Britain’s Isle That happy glow! That tea-time smile! For if we’re down Need cheering up? No one can frown With steaming cup! No other treats Appeal to me! Cos nothing beats A cup of tea! By...That tea-time smile
- It was: 175 years ago, on 5th April 1843 that Hong Kong was proclaimed a British crown colony. (Hong Kong had been ceded to Britain in perpetuity in the Treaty of Nanking, signed in August 1842, at the end of the First Opium War.) Also 175 years ago, on 15th April 1843 that Henry James,...All in the month of APRIL