Viewing all items in Resource Category: Book Reviews
A selection of book reviews each month.
- Godbothering A Call Less Ordinary – why your purpose matters What Good is God? – crises, faith and resilience Traidcraft – inspiring a Fair Trade Revolution Thank God for Bedtime – what God says about our sleep and why sleep matters Where is God in a Messed-Up World? ** Godbothering By Rhidian Brook, SPCK, £9.99...Reviews (all) for August 2020
- By Rhidian Brook, SPCK, £9.99 For 20 years, bestselling novelist Rhidian Brook has pondered such questions as ‘Why bother with God?’, ‘What matters in life?’, ‘Why doesn’t God intervene?’ on Radio 4’s Thought for the Day. He has encouraged, nudged, and sometimes provoked millions into thinking about the possibility of a God who is intimately and...Godbothering
- – why your purpose matters By Rich Wilson, SPCK, £9.99 What is your calling? It is a question that you can wrestle with at any stage of life. You might know that God has a plan for you, but how do you know what it is? And – how do you pursue it once you...A Call Less Ordinary
- – crises, faith and resilience By Roger Abbott and Robert White FRS, Monarch, £9.99 In a world where natural disasters are on the rise, Professor Robert White and Reverend Doctor Roger Abbott bring together a variety of voices explore how we respond, from both a practical and faith-lead viewpoint, to such tragedy. Including the stories...What Good is God?
- – inspiring a Fair Trade Revolution By Joe Osman, Lion Hudson, £12.99 Traidcraft was a true pioneer of the fair trade movement, and it played a major role in changing the landscape of ethical shopping. This book charts the history of Traidcraft from its birth in 1979 up until its 40th anniversary in 2019. The...Traidcraft
- – what God says about our sleep and why sleep matters By Geoff Robson, Matthias Media & 10Publishing, £5.99 We all need sleep, but many of us struggle to balance our need for sleep with the other demands and pleasures of our lives. More importantly, we may never have thought through the fact that God...Thank God for Bedtime
- By Roger Carswell, 10Publishing, £6.99 This book asks (and answers) questions that people are asking about God, life and suffering. Questions such as: ‘If God exists and really is a God of love, then why doesn’t He stop the suffering and problems in our world?’ People often ask these questions in the wake of major...Where is God in a Messed-Up World?
- Q & A Bible Verse 5-Year Journal – blue edition</strong My Sour-Sweet Days – George Herbert and the Journey of the Soul</strong Patterns in the Psalms – a colouring book The Link-It-Up Bible A Fruitful Life: Abiding in Christ as seen in John 15 Faith in Children God Made Animals Freedom From Fear –...Reviews (all) for July 2020
- – blue edition Edited by Carol Petley, SPCK, £10.49 This devotional journal enables you to reflect on your spiritual journey over a period of five years. Approachable and encouraging, it offers a brief Scripture reading and a question for each day, on topics such as praise, faith, prayer, worry, creation and forgiveness. As you record your...Q & A Bible Verse 5-Year Journal
- – George Herbert and the Journey of the Soul By Mark Oakley, SPCK, £6.99 Mark Oakley reveals George Herbert as a fine companion with whom to examine the journey of the soul. His poems are ‘heart-work and heaven-work’, embracing love and closeness, anger and despair, reconciliation and hope. There is, too, an appealing and audacious...My Sour-Sweet Days
- – a colouring book SPCK, £9.99 This summer, if you have time on your hands, why not colour your way through the beautiful imagery of the Psalms? This book contains 30 illustrations with a corresponding verse, all designed to appeal to an adult market. The designs include animals, flowers, leaves, waves, stars and other patterns....Patterns in the Psalms
- By Bob Hartman, SPCK, £9.99 Highly visual and interactive, this book of more than 60 stories, highlights the links between stories and draws attention to the wider themes of the Bible. With arrows zipping across the page, pull-out text boxes asking the reader questions and illustration elements bringing each story to life, this book sees...The Link-It-Up Bible