Viewing all items in Resource Category: Book Reviews
A selection of book reviews each month.
- – Abiding in Christ as seen in John 15 By Tony Horsfall, BRF, £8.99 This book will point you back to the simplicity of a life lived out of relationship with Jesus Christ. The branch bears fruit only because it abides in the vine. In John chapter 15, the famous ‘vine’ passage, Jesus is preparing...A Fruitful Life
- By Ronni Lamont, Monarch, £9.99 This book offers a window into the process going on inside our children and enables those who work with them to understand what makes a particular child ‘tick’. With insights into a range of teaching methods, learning styles and the unique spirituality of children, this book suggests how adults can...Faith in Children
- By Stephanie Bryant, Elizabeth Henderson, and Steph Marshall, Lion Hudson, £5.99 “God has given us lots of clues about how He made animals. This is how we think He did it…” The ‘God Made’ series encourages young children to explore and discover more about the world around them, and tells them about the loving God...God Made Animals
- – overcoming worry and anxiety By Neil Anderson & Rich Miller, Monarch, £9.99 If you find it hard to sleep, are anxious about tomorrow, are paralysed by fear of failure, then you are not alone. Anxiety disorders are the main mental health problem in the Western world. We are suffering a ‘blues’ epidemic. Neil Anderson...Freedom From Fear
- – because God often shows up at night By Barbara Brown Taylor, Canterbury Press, £12.99 Barbara Brown Taylor explores ‘the treasures of darkness’ that the Bible speaks about. What can we learn about the ways of God when we cannot see the way ahead, are lost, alone, frightened, not in control or when the world...Learning to Walk in the Dark
- – learning patience and embracing its gifts By Margaret Whipp, Canterbury Press, £10.99 This wise and beautiful book draws on the experience of unchosen waiting – in sickness, in old age, and in the struggles and frustrations of everyday life – to explore the challenges of waiting and the skills it demands. It may help...Grace of Waiting
- – struggling with evil, suffering and faith By John Dickson, 10ofThose, £5.99 Can we still believe in God in the face of all the suffering and pain in the world? John Dickson looks honestly at the question and provides some compelling answers. He looks briefly at the alternative explanations for suffering provided by Hinduism, Buddhism,...If I Were God, I’d End All the Pain
- Franciscan Footprints: following Christ in the ways of Francis and Clare Celtic Saints: 40 days of devotional readings The Way Under our Feet – a spirituality of walking The Comparison Trap Trusting Through the Tears – God’s faithfulness in times of suffering Understanding Trauma – how to overcome post-traumatic stress First Steps Out of Depression...Reviews (all) for June 2020
- – following Christ in the ways of Francis and Clare By Helen Julian, BRF, £8.99 There are many ways of following Christ – each footprint is unique. One of these, the Franciscan spiritual journey, has been tried and tested over the centuries, and the experiences of St Francis and St Clare and all those who...Franciscan Footprints
- – a spirituality of walking By Graham B Usher, SPCK, £9.99 Walking is one of the simplest things we do as humans. It’s how most of us experience life. In The Way Under Our Feet, Graham Usher conveys how exhilarating it is to walk into the depths of our humanity. We become more ready to recognise...The Way Under our Feet
- – 40 days of devotional readings By David Cole, BRF, £8.99 The life stories of the Celtic saints are inspirational. They demonstrate great and unassuming faith, often in the face of insurmountable difficulties. In Celtic Saints David Cole draws us to relate our own life journey and developing relationship with God into the life story...Celtic Saints
- why women hold each other back By Helen Roberts, SPCK, £9.99 Too often, women hold each other back, bad mouthing and making unflattering comparisons. Social media give extra opportunities for negative comment. Are we trapped in our own battles, or entertained by the wars of other women, to the detriment of our own freedom and...The Comparison Trap