Viewing all items in Resource Category: Book Reviews
A selection of book reviews each month.
- – God’s faithfulness in times of suffering By Keren Baker, 10ofthose, £5.99 Living a faithful Christian life will always hold the possibility of trouble and difficulty, but how do you cope when the troubles come one after another? A chronic long-term illness, miscarriage, a difficult pregnancy and premature baby, the unexpected death of a little...Trusting Through the Tears
- – how to overcome post-traumatic stress By Roger Baker, LionHudson, £8.99 What is post-traumatic stress disorder? What does it feel like? And how can it be overcome? Trauma is a term that many of us find alienating and clinical. But in fact trauma is something most people encounter at some point in life, and post-traumatic...Understanding Trauma
- By Sue Atkinson, LionHudson, £4.99 Depression is wide-spread in today’s world, with statistics suggesting that 1 in 5 of us will experience it at some stage in life. In First Steps out of Depression, successful author Sue Atkinson draws on her experiences as someone who has suffered – and recovered – from depression, to guide...First Steps Out of Depression
- Editor: This month, for obvious reasons, we are offering books that offer comfort and hope in the face of possible fear and death. ** Hope Beyond Coronavirus By Roger Carswell, 10Publishing, various prices This is a very helpful evangelistic tract you can bulk-order to share around, or you can download it free in an A4...Reviews (all) for May 2020
- By Roger Carswell, 10Publishing, various prices This is a very helpful evangelistic tract you can bulk-order to share around, or you can download it free in an A4 pdf at: Beyond Coronavirus
- By John Lennox, The Good Book Company, £2.48 We are living through a unique, era-defining period. Many of our old certainties have gone, whatever our view of the world and whatever our beliefs. The coronavirus pandemic and its effects are perplexing and unsettling for all of us. How do we begin to think it through...Where is God in a Coronavirus World?
- By Phil Moore, Monarch, £9.99 Why is there suffering? This book looks at suffering in Job and goes on to offer some very relevant insights for our modern life in short, punchy chapters.Straight to the Heart of Job – 60 Bite-Sized Insights
- By Bob Hartman and Krisztina Kallai Nagy, Lion Children, £19.99 The original Lion Storyteller Bible broke new ground in its presentation of Bible stories. Over the past 25 years it has been a best-seller, translated into 11 languages. This new edition of the Storyteller Bible integrates more than 70 Bible story retellings from the Old...The Lion Storyteller Bible – 25th anniversary
- By Pat Palau and Peggy Sue Wells, Lion, £7.99 What scares you to death? Probably coronavirus, just now. For everyone whose life has been crippled by anxiety, here is a book about finding freedom. Pat Palau provides practical, tangible ways to make progress. Fear incapacitates; it strangles the life out of us. Her book guides...What to Do When You’re Scared to Death – the paralysing effects of fear
- By Carmel Thomason, BRF, £4.99 A book of 24 undated reflections drawing on a range of relevant Bible passages to offer genuine hope and encouragement in anxious times. Encompassing the very human emotions of fear and anxiety, the reflections encourage us to draw comfort and strength from God’s Word even in those times when He...Anxious Times – positive help for those facing uncertainty
- By Rachel Boulding, BRF, £3.99 This book of 18 undated reflections draws comfort and encouragement from the Bible and from the author’s own experience for those going through life-limiting illness and for their family and carers. With moving vulnerability and without denying the difficult reality of the situation, Rachel Boulding suggests a way to confront...Facing Death
- By Paul David Tripp, Crossway, £9.99 Sometimes life doesn’t make sense. When death, illness, unemployment, or a difficult relationship challenges everything we thought we knew, we can feel utterly unprepared to cope. Best-selling author Paul David Tripp weaves together his personal story, years of counselling experience, and biblical insights to help us in the midst...Suffering – Gospel Hope When Life Doesn’t Make Sense