Viewing all items in Resource Category: Book Reviews
A selection of book reviews each month.
- By John Piper, IVP, £4.49 “It is utterly crucial that in our darkness we affirm the wise, strong hand of God to hold us, even when we have no strength to hold Him,” urges John Piper. Even the most faithful, focused Christians can encounter periods of depression and spiritual darkness when joy seems to stay...When the Darkness Will Not Lift – doing what we can while waiting on God
- EASTER STORY Easter! Fun Things to Make and Do Living Easter Through the Year Lifted – Experiencing the Resurrection Life Holy Habits – Bible Reflections What’s in the Bible (for me)? ** EASTER STORY Lion Children’s Books, £2.49 A beautiful retelling of the first Easter, with the events of the Jesus’ death and resurrection. It...Reviews (all) for April 2020
- Lion Children’s Books, £2.49 A beautiful retelling of the first Easter, with the events of the Jesus’ death and resurrection. It is ideal for sharing with young readers, at home, school, or Sunday school.EASTER STORY
- By Christina Goodings, £6.99 Crammed with 50 crafts and creative ideas perfect for spring and Easter. Each craft is accompanied by simple step-by-step illustrated instructions. Make fun decorations, Easter baskets, chirpy chicks, creative cards, and more!Easter! Fun Things to Make and Do
- By John Pritchard, SPCK, £9.99 We go through Lent and Holy Week with great seriousness, but Easter gets one great day and then we’re not sure what to do with it. This book is full of ideas, reflections, and resources on how to extend the message of resurrection through the coming weeks and into the...Living Easter Through the Year
- By Sam Allberry, IVP, £7.99 For many the resurrection is a nice thing to believe, the ‘happy’ ending to the gospel. But ‘Lifted’ shows that the resurrection has overwhelmingly positive implications for our daily lives. Through it we can have real assurance of forgiveness and salvation. We are raised and empowered to live new, transformed lives....Lifted – Experiencing the Resurrection Life
- Edited by Andrew Roberts, BRF, £3.99 Holy Habits is an initiative to nurture Christian discipleship. Inspired by Luke’s model of church found in Acts 2:42–47, it identifies ten habits and encourages the development of a way of life formed by them. Each booklet contains 40 readings and reflections by four different writers. Providing eight weeks...Holy Habits – Bible Reflections
- By Lucy Moore, BRF, £4.99 Lucy Moore’s pocket-sized guide to the Bible takes readers on an epic journey through 4,000 years of history. Spanning Old and New Testaments in 50 bite-sized readings, the founder and leader of Messy Church writes for families and individuals who are new to the Bible: its riches, puzzles and complexities....What’s in the Bible (for me)? – 50 readings and reflections
- The Way of Benedict – Eight Blessings for Lent Soulful Nature – A spiritual field guide Good Grief – Living with Sorrow and Loss Easter! Fun Things to Make and Do Celtic Lent: 40 days of devotions to Easter Dust and Glory: Daily Bible readings from Ash Wednesday to Easter Day ** The...Book reviews (all) for March 2020
- By Laurentia Johns OSB, SPCK, £9.99 Our world badly needs Christ’s light and peace. One way to bring these blessings to one another is to attend to our own hearts and to learn to live well. Living Lent well involves turning back to God to receive His blessing. In this deep and practical book, a...The Way of Benedict – Eight Blessings for Lent
- By Brian Draper and Howard Green, Canterbury Press, £14.99 In our busy, pressured world, the natural world can be a powerful counter-balance, offering wisdom for the challenges, pain and dislocations of life as well as for beauty, wonder and healing. Soulful Nature encourages you to get outside and make deeper connections with creation and its...Soulful Nature – A spiritual field guide
- By Malcolm Duncan, Lion Hudson, £10.99 We all walk through grief and loss. It comes in many shapes and forms. As a husband, father, son and a pastor for the past thirty-four years, Malcolm Duncan has experienced loss in many forms. Duncan has seen grief destroy some people, and his own experience of loss and...Good Grief – Living with Sorrow and Loss