Viewing all items in Resource Category: Book Reviews
A selection of book reviews each month.
- By Paul Kerensa, Monarch, £7.99 In this delightful sleigh ride through Christmas history, Paul Kerensa answers the festive questions you never thought to ask… Did Cromwell help shape the mince pie? Was St Nicholas the first to use an automatic door? Which classic Christmas crooners were inspired by a Hollywood heatwave? And did King Herod...Hark! The Biography of Christmas
- By Tim Farron, SPCK, £9.99 Writing with warmth, humour and compelling honesty, Tim Farron charts his rise to the leadership of the Liberal Democrats – from his childhood in Preston to his central role during the Conservative–Lib Dem coalition of 2010–15. Farron speaks openly about his role as Party President and the intense experience of...A Better Ambition – Confessions of a Faithful Liberal
- By Peter Walker, Lion Hudson, £15.99 This book teaches the basics of the Christian faith, looking first at what Jesus Himself taught, and then at what His apostles had to say. It is for anyone who wants to follow Jesus, but who would like to be reminded of the way. In short clear steps, Dr...The Jesus Way – Learning to Live the Christian Life
- By Sarah J Dodd & Raffaella Ligi, Lion Children, £5.99 A new king is born! His name is Jesus. Share the gladness of Mary, the joy of the shepherds, and the journey of the wise men. An engaging retelling for children of the first Christmas, with bright and appealing pictures that bring the wonderful scenes...The Newborn King
- By Antonia Jackson and Felicity French, Lion Children, £4.99 Join the colouring craze and add a splash of colour to the story of Christmas with these beautiful and intricate black and white line drawings, just waiting for your creative input! Follow the Nativity scene by scene until you have a stunning masterpiece – your own...The Lion Nativity Colouring Book
- By Sophie Piper & Anne Yvonne Gilbert, Lion Children, £6.99 The emotion and detail in Anne Yvonne Gilbert’s exquisite illustrations will make this picture book of the first Christmas stand out in the memory. The retelling follows the traditional sequence of episodes and echoes the language of the Gospels themselves.Jesus is Born
- George Whitefield – the First Transatlantic Revivalist Life with St Benedict: the Rule reimagined for everyday living Image of the Invisible: daily Bible readings from Advent to Epiphany God’s Good Economy – doing economic justice in today’s world Zhejiang – the Jerusalem of China The Man You’re Made to Be ** George Whitefield – the...Reviews (all) for November 2019
- By Nigel D Scotland, Lion Hudson, £12.99 George Whitefield proclaimed the Christian message to more people in history than anyone else, before or since, who spoke with an unaided voice. A preacher of revival almost from his childhood, when he prophesied his own destiny, he had a profound impact on the social, religious and political...George Whitefield – the First Transatlantic Revivalist
- By Richard Frost, BRF, £9.99 The Rule of St Benedict has been described as inspiring, supporting, reassuring, and challenging. It has much to say about faith, work and daily living. Benedictine communities use a well-established pattern of daily readings to enable the entire Rule to be considered over a four-month period. Life with St Benedict follows this pattern. Divided into four,...Life with St Benedict: the Rule reimagined for everyday living
- By Amy Scott Robinson, BRF, £8.99 As we look towards celebrating the incarnation at Christmas, we consider how God chose to express Himself, in a moment in history, as a tiny baby. But what other images describe God in the Bible, and what can we learn about his character through them? How does an invisible...Image of the Invisible: daily Bible readings from Advent to Epiphany
- By Andrew Hartropp, IVP, £12.99 ‘The earth is the Lord’s’ (Ps.24:1). God states that He is the rightful owner of the earth and everything in it. God wants people to enjoy material things – but God must be the centre of our lives. Christ’s radical call to his followers includes the call to let Him...God’s Good Economy – doing economic justice in today’s world
- By Paul Hattaway, SPCK, £10.99 ‘In one six-week period in November and December, more than 400 church buildings were bulldozed to the ground …’ Zhejiang, a prosperous eastern province, is home to the highest percentage of Christians in China. This volume describes how God established His kingdom there, using a one-legged Scotsman to bring the...Zhejiang – the Jerusalem of China