Viewing all items in Resource Category: Book Reviews
A selection of book reviews each month.
- By Bob Wallington, SPCK, £9.99 Bob Wallington is the youth pastor at Soul Survivor Watford. Growing up within Soul Survivor church, he is well-known within the church community and on the summer conference scene. What I love about this book is that it gives you simple, really practical ideas for putting Christian faith into action.16-and-a-Half Ways to Upgrade your Faith
- By Paul Hutchinson and Padraig O Tuama, Canterbury Press, £12.99 Corrymeela – a Christian community committed to reconciliation, is bounded by bells. Twice a day – morning and evening – a large bell sounds out over the site. This is a call to attention, a call to pause, a space to reflect on God, self,...Between the Bells – stories of reconciliation from Corrymeela
- By Cally Hammond, BRF, £9.99 A delightful and accessible introduction to Augustine, one of the most fascinating figures of Christian history. This book bridges the centuries between Augustine’s day and today. ‘I have let Augustine speak very much in his own words,’ the author says, ‘because they are so straightforward and compelling, as fresh and...Augustine’s Life of Prayer, Learning and Love – Lessons for Christian living
- By Carolyn Nystrom, IVP, £3.99 Ask a woman about love and you are likely to hear about heartbreak. Ask about her identity, and shame and frustration leak out. Ask about rest and enjoyment, and you will hear laments about time and busyness. We live a small fraction of the life God has for us. The...Women & Identity – (Lifebuilder Study Guides)
- L is for Lifestyle Taming of a Villain – a message of hope A Year of Grace – exploring the Christian seasons God of Violence Yesterday, God of Love Today? Modern Flights – where next? Raising Children in a Digital Age ** L is for Lifestyle (revised & updated) By Ruth Valerio, IVP, £7.99...Reviews (all) for August 2019
- (revised & updated) By Ruth Valerio, IVP, £7.99 How can we live more responsibly? In this A-Z, Ruth Valerio highlights the main threats to people and our planet, God’s beloved Creation. She shows us how, by making small but significant changes to our lifestyle, we can learn the secret of a life that is both...L is for Lifestyle
- By Allen Langham, Lion, £11.99 Allen Langham was a professional rugby league player who destroyed his career through addiction. Struggling with his troubled childhood, he had turned to drink, drugs and crime, and ended up in prison. This is the true story of how he found Jesus Christ, and realised that only God had the...Taming of a Villain – a message of hope
- By David Hoyle, Canterbury Press, £14.99 Using the pattern of the church year, this book looks at the building blocks of Christian theology, and what each one means for how we live. The book covers God as ruler and judge (Advent), the incarnation (Christmas), forgiveness, (Ash Wednesday), Redemption (Good Friday), Resurrection (Easter), the Holy Spirit...A Year of Grace – exploring the Christian seasons
- – wrestling honestly with the Old Testament By Helen Paynter, Authentic Books, £9.99If you find the violence in the Old Testament a problem, this book may be helpful. Helen Paynter faces the tough questions head-on and offers a fresh, accessible approach to a significant issue. For all those seeking to engage with the Bible and...God of Violence Yesterday, God of Love Today?
- By Julia Golding & others, Lion Children, £5.99 Join Harriet, Darwin’s pet tortoise, and Milton, Schrodinger’s indecisive cat on a time-travelling quest of discovery, unravelling scientific exploration and religious beliefs and how they fit together. How did the universe start? Is there a God behind it all? Take to the skies in this adventure and...Modern Flights – where next?
- By Bex Lewis, Lion, £8.99 Digital technology, social media, and online gaming are now a universal part of childhood. But are you worried about what your children might be doing online? Or who might try to contact them through Facebook or Twitter? Bex Lewis, an expert in social media and digital innovation, has written a...Raising Children in a Digital Age – enjoying the best, avoiding the worst
- Stretched God Loves Me Always Retired and Inspired: making the most of our latter years Walking with Pain Noah and the Great Big Boat Neither Bomb Nor Bullet: Benjamin Kwashi, the Archbishop they just couldn’t kill ** Stretched By Emma Rutland, Authentic, £9.99 “I wondered where God was in all of this. My world was...Reviews (all books) for July 2019