Viewing all items in Resource Category: Book Reviews
A selection of book reviews each month.
- By Emma Rutland, Authentic, £9.99 “I wondered where God was in all of this. My world was colourless and dark. The rainbow of promise I yearned for was nowhere in sight. The word ‘traumatised’ barely even scratched the surface of how I felt.” As Emma Rutland’s dreams of a normal, happy family life with husband...Stretched
- By Make Believe Ideas, Authentic, £8.99 An inspirational collection of stories to teach children how God can help them handle their emotions. Each story explores a particular emotion: sadness, happiness, fear and anger. The stories are written in clear, simple text and are brought to life with beautiful illustrations. Included with each story is a...God Loves Me Always
- By Wendy Billington, BRF, £8.99 This book is a Christian view of retirement. Attitudes to retirement vary, and in this book Wendy Billington draws on her pastoral skills and life experience to ask the question: what is a Christian view of retirement? If we believe that life is a gift from God, should we not...Retired and Inspired: making the most of our latter years
- By John Elliston, Kevin Mayhew, £2.99 Pain is inseparable from the human condition. For some it becomes a constant companion with whom an unequal battle is fought. The author explores the phenomenon of pain and places the whole into the context of belief in a loving God. Christian theologians have grappled with the existence of...Walking with Pain
- by Antonia Woodward, Lion Children’s, £7.99 A delightful picture book retelling the story of Noah, who builds a great ark to keep animals that God sends to him safe during the great flood. Imagine Noah’s excitement when the big boat comes to rest and once more the animals can roam the earth.Noah and the Great Big Boat
- By Andrew Boyd, Monarch, £9.99 In the warzone that Nigeria has become, Archbishop Ben Kwashi has survived three assassination attempts. A brutal assault on his wife, Gloria, drove him to his knees – to forgive and find the strength to press on. Islamist militants have Nigeria in their sights. These are the terrorists who kidnapped...Neither Bomb Nor Bullet: Benjamin Kwashi, the Archbishop they just couldn’t kill
- Arthur’s Garden – Up the Garden Path, Down Memory Lane My Bible Stories – colouring and sticker book How Not to Totally Put Your Children Off God The Freedom of Years Out of Control Walk Humbly ** Arthur’s Garden – Up the Garden Path, Down Memory Lane By Pam Rhodes, Lion, £14.99 “As I stand...Reviews (all) for June 2019
- – Up the Garden Path, Down Memory Lane By Pam Rhodes, Lion, £14.99 “As I stand at my kitchen sink and look across at what we optimistically call our herb garden, to one side I see an old wooden sign on which are carved the words ‘Arthur’s Garden’. “Arthur doesn’t live here. My wonderful great-uncle...Arthur’s Garden
- – and sticker book By Juliet David and Lucy Barnard , Candle Books, £6.99 Colouring and sticker fun with 16 favourite Bible stories. All the pages are part-coloured to leave room for sticker decoration and colouring so children can finish the stories for themselves! Stories include: Noah, Moses in the Bulrushes, Daniel and the Lions,...My Bible Stories – colouring
- – a conversation on Christian parenting between a father and his sons By Howard Worsley, Monarch, £8.99 Parenting can be the best or worst of times. It can be a role we love best, or one that causes us great insecurity. There is no formal training for parenthood. There are no clear benchmarks of success...How Not to Totally Put Your Children Off God
- – ageing in perspective By Harriet and Donald Mowat, BRF, £8.99 What has been the purpose of our lives? As Christians, ageing gives us the opportunity to deepen and even transform our spiritual understanding. The Freedom of Years helps those who want to undertake the journey by examining the ageing task, the inevitable changes and...The Freedom of Years
- – couples, conflict and the capacity for change By Natalie Collins, SPCK, £10.39 All of us will have had experience of supporting a friend or family member through the turmoil of a bad relationship. But could some of the more difficult times of argument and conflict be more than they appear? Is there something more...Out of Control