Viewing all items in Resource Category: Book Reviews
A selection of book reviews each month.
- By Anita Cleverly, BRF, £9.99 Here is a call for grandparents to understand and step into the hugely influential role they can play in the lives of their grandchildren. Arguably, there has never been a more important time to find meaningful ways of passing on faith from one generation to the next, and Anita believes...Faithful Grandparents – hope and love through the generations
- By James Cary, SPCK, £8.99 Every few weeks a politician, pundit or soap star causes a media storm by making a gaffe or tweeting a joke that some people do not find funny. Comedy is very hard to get right and yet we think it’s important to have a sense of humour and not take yourself too...The Sacred Art of Joking
- By Katharine Smith, SPCK, £9.99 Depression is a devastating illness, both for those affected and for their loved ones, and the road to recovery can appear very long and winding indeed. However, for those who are slowly feeling their way towards a life of greater equanimity, this encouraging book will prove a reassuring. A complete...Recovering from Depression – a companion guide for Christians
- By Arlen Victoria, Authentic, £9.99 Paralympics champion and Dancing with the Stars contestant Victoria Arlen shares her courageous and miraculous story of recovery after falling into a mysterious vegetative state and how she broke free, overcoming the odds and never giving up hope, eventually living a full and inspiring life. When Victoria Arlen was 11...Locked in
- By Mark Batterson, Authentic, £10.99 In this compelling manifesto, New York Times bestselling author Mark Batterson challenges readers to ‘chase the lions’ in their lives, and to be prepared to act accordingly when they catch them! The author encourages people to take bold actions to accomplish their goals, follow his practical steps to making those...Chase The Lion
- – how the Incarnation shapes Faith and Ministry By Chris Steed. IVP £12.99 The Identification Principle offers a new impetus to holistic and practical engagement by the church with our world. The author, an Anglican minister, is responsible for a large and innovative Christian social project on the edge of city centre, which is developing...The Identification Principle
- Lent with New Daylight The Resilient Disciple – a Lenten journey from Adversity to Maturity Jesus Said, ‘I Am’ – finding life in the everyday 80 Reflective Prayer Ideas – a creative resource for church and group use Thomas Cochrane and the Dragon Throne The Story of the Holy Land – a visual history **...Reviews (all) for March 2019
- New Daylight is The Bible Reading Fellowship’s most popular series of Bible reading notes, with many thousands of devoted subscribers. Now, for the first time, BRF is breaking new ground with a special edition of New Daylight for Lent 2019. As well as daily reflections from some of the series’ best-loved writers, Lent with New...Lent with New Daylight
- – a Lenten journey from Adversity to Maturity By Justine Allain Chapman, SPCK, £7.99 ‘The art of kintsugi (‘repairing with gold’) not only restores cracked objects but makes them even more beautiful than before.’ Alone on an 8-day retreat in the Egyptian desert, Justine Allain Chapman experienced first-hand the physical, spiritual and mental struggle many have endured before...The Resilient Disciple
- By Andrea Skevington, BRF, £8.99 Here are reflections on Jesus’ most familiar sayings, with a striking blend of knowledge, insight and humility, and a fresh, contemporary perspective. ‘I am’ is a common construction, something we say many times each day. It is also a very deep mystery. Who are we? How do we define ourselves?…...Jesus Said, ‘I Am’ – finding life in the everyday
- By Claire Daniel, BRF, £8.99 Following the success of her 80 Creative Prayer Ideas (BRF, 2014), Claire Daniel has written a new collection of prayer ideas, focusing on rest and reflection. We need to replenish our spirits in a busy world… we need to consider how we take time to breathe and refocus on our...80 Reflective Prayer Ideas – a creative resource for church and group use
- – confronting disease, distrust and murderous rebellion in Imperial China By Andrew E Adam, SPCK, £10.99 In 1897, Tom Cochrane, a young doctor, arrived with his bride in Inner Mongolia, China’s northernmost territory. Three years later, after labouring single-handedly in a mud-floored dispensary, he realized that his work was a drop in a sea of...Thomas Cochrane and the Dragon Throne