Viewing all items in Resource Category: Book Reviews
A selection of book reviews each month.
- by Wendy Grey, SPCK, £7.99 1959. Newcastle nurse Wendy Grey leaves her comfortable life and answers a call from people in Borneo to run a clinic in a place so remote, many there have never before seen a white woman. Until her arrival, medical witchcraft has been the norm. Nevertheless, Wendy quickly gains the trust...Midwife of Borneo – The True Story of a Geordie Pioneer
- By April Holden & Deborah Meroff, SPCK, £7.99 April Holden was told Africa would lead to her death. She went anyway. Despite chronic health problems, she was accepted by a mission, which sent her initially to Egypt. Then she seized the chance to move to one of the toughest, most war-torn countries in North Africa, pioneering...They Called Us Love – The Story of April Holden and Africa’s Street Children
- By John Wyatt, IVP, £9.99 We cannot choreograph our own death, but we can die well. This is a book for those who are facing death. It is also for their relatives, friends and carers. John Wyatt looks at recent trends in dying. He examines the ‘art of dying’, a Christian tradition from the past....Dying Well – Dying Faithfully
- by Uta Schmidt, Lion Hudson, £9.99 Have you ever known the pain and disappointment of a shattered dream, a hope deferred, a vision put on hold? Maybe you started out with a dream in your heart, but it got buried beneath the rubble of life’s challenges. Whatever it may be, life took some unexpected turns...Dream Chasers – The Journey of Nine Ordinary People Who Became Extraordinary
- by Corien Oranje & Marieke Ten Berge, Lion Children’s, £12.99 Perfect for reading aloud to your baby, together you will feel the sun on your cheeks, bump along with Abraham on the camel and make music for the Lord. A shared experience that you will treasure with your baby, as you look at baby Jesus...Baby’s Special Bible
- by Simon Reed, BRF, £7.99 One of the most pressing issues in today’s church is encouraging people to become true and effective disciples of Jesus Christ. Discipleship is about connecting more deeply with God and connecting God with the whole of life, and so it is a lifelong process. The Celtic and Desert Christians, drawing...Followers of the Way – Ancient discipleship for modern Christians
- by Carmel Thomason, BRF, £4.99 Here are 24 undated reflections drawing on a range of relevant Bible passages to offer genuine hope and encouragement in anxious times. Our fear and anxiety are very understandable, but these reflections encourage us to draw comfort and strength from God’s Word even in those times when He seems silent...Anxious Times
- by Sara Miles, Canterbury Press, £12.99 The story of an unexpected and terribly inconvenient Christian conversion, told by a very unlikely convert. Take This Bread is not only a spiritual memoir but a call to action. Raised as an atheist, Sara Miles lived an enthusiastically secular life as a restaurant cook and writer. Then one...Take This Bread – A radical conversion
- The Visual Christmas Story My First Christmas Activity Book And the Star Shone Brightly Bible Puzzles for Fun Really Useful Guides: Colossians and Philemon Follow the Star Christian Music – a global history (revised and expanded) The Last Journey – reflections for the time of grieving God’s Biker – motorcycles and misfits My Country Wept...Reviews for Christmas (all) 2018
- By Ian Long, BRF, £6.99 This is the Christmas story told as a visual expression, or in ‘blob style’. It can be enjoyed by readers and non-readers alike, but is particularly helpful for those who find reading difficult. The Bible text appears opposite colourful verse-by-verse illustrations that encourage engagement with the story. It will be...The Visual Christmas Story
- by Bethan James, Authentic, £3.99 You can help your children to prepare for Christmas with this fun-packed puzzle book. The story of Christmas is introduced at the beginning of the book, and then it is explored through fun activity pages, so the child is able to engage with the story.My First Christmas Activity Book
- by Sally Ann Wright, Authentic, £4.99 Mary had a baby boy in a stable in Bethlehem on that first Christmas day. His mother loved Him, angels sang for Him and the stars shone brightly when Jesus was born. Now Christmas is celebrated all over the world because Jesus was born on that very first Christmas...And the Star Shone Brightly