Viewing all items in Resource Category: Book Reviews
A selection of book reviews each month.
- by Peter Grier, IVP, £9.99 Travel is fun – to state the very obvious. But what if it could be enriching, life-enhancing and lots, lots more? What if that hunger for self-discovery, identity and fulfilment could take you in undreamt-of directions? ‘I have been travelling internationally for 45 years – I just wish I’d been...Travel – in Tandem With God’s Heart
- By David Adam, SPCK, £9.99 Writing from lived experience as much as knowledge, David Adam conveys a delight in the mystery of being that is deeply attractive. Love the World opens by looking at the beginning of the universe, then moves on to the earth’s atmosphere, the miracle of water and things that we often...Love the World
- By Jane Clamp, SPCK, £9.99 One in four pregnancies end in miscarriage, a traumatic experience for any woman, but one in which she typically feels alone. This 30-day devotional helps mothers who have lost children start to come to terms with what has happened. The purpose of this book is to inform, encourage and support...Too Soon – a Mother’s Journey through Miscarriage: a 30-Day Devotional
- By Cris Rogers, Monarch, £7.99 This is a book about who God is and who we are in light of that. What we think about ourselves will govern what we do. If we think we are powerless we will behave that way. If we believe we are weak we will be weak. If we believe...What if We Knew What God Knows About Us
- By Dianne Parsons, Lion Hudson, £12.99 Enter the warmth of Dianne’s front room to chat over coffee. She shares stories, thoughts, favourite quotes and memories as a child, wife, mother, and grandmother, and from 30 years working with the national charity, Care for the Family. The journal also encourages you to share your stories, thoughts...You, Me and Coffee – Our lives, your journal… and so much to talk about
- By David Runcorn, Canterbury Press, £12.99 Tears are a common experience we rarely discuss, and then only in relation to pain and loss. David Runcorn draws upon a long Christian tradition of seeing tears as a gift to explore their deeper meaning and purpose, their place in human life and their significance for prayer and...The Language of Tears – their gift, mystery and meaning
- By Nancey Murphy, SPCK, £25 A Philosophy of the Christian Religion offers a new kind of introduction to the subject. Whereas most introductions in the past have attempted to deal with religion in general, this book focuses on philosophical issues of special importance to Christianity. In doing this, Nancey Murphy also takes full account of how...A Philosophy of the Christian Religion – For the Twenty-first Century
- Bible Stories Gone Even More Crazy! Fresh From the Word 2019 – the Bible for Change The Lion Storyteller Bible Addiction and Pastoral Care All Things Anglican – who we are and what we believe Anxious Times Bible Puzzles for Fun Taming the Beast Within – shedding the stereotypes of personality disorder Toxic People –...Reviews (all) for October 18
- By Juliet David & Emiliano Migliardo, Lion Children’s Books, £6.99 Eight Bible stories are depicted in intense colour and comic, cartoony illustrations. There is a sentence or two explaining the scene at the top, and then details to spot, mistakes to find and questions to answer along the sides of the picture. Was there really...Bible Stories Gone Even More Crazy!
- By Nathan Eddy, Monarch, £9.99 The pace of life is unrelenting, and even the church can feel driven and rushed. So this coming year, consider life in the ‘modern’ desert – a place of stillness, waiting, and hoping – which we will explore next Lent with our unique blend of writers from around the world....Fresh From the Word 2019 – the Bible for Change
- By Bob Hartman, Lion Children’s Books, £10.99 For thousands of years, the stories in the Bible have been passed on from generation to generation. This popular retelling of many well-loved stories from the Old and New Testaments is ideal for sharing with children today. First to be read aloud, and then read alone – it...The Lion Storyteller Bible
- By Nicolas Roberts & Alister McGrath, DPHil, DD, Canterbury Press, £14.99 Addiction can take many forms and there can hardly be a minister, or a prison, college or school’s chaplain who will not have encountered its damaging effects on individuals, their families and local communities. Each year there are several thousand drug-related and alcohol related...Addiction and Pastoral Care