Viewing all items in Resource Category: Book Reviews
A selection of book reviews each month.
- By Marcus Throup, Canterbury Press, £12.99 Here is a lively and accessible introduction to Anglicanism, for anyone wanting to know what makes it distinctive. Whether you are training for Anglican orders, are curious about another denomination or would like to join an Anglican Church, this guide will introduce you to the basics of Anglican identity...All Things Anglican – who we are and what we believe
- By Carmel Thomason, BRF, £4.99 A book of 24 undated reflections drawing on a range of relevant Bible passages to offer genuine hope and encouragement in anxious times. Encompassing the very human emotions of fear and anxiety, the reflections encourage us to draw comfort and strength from God’s Word even in those times when He...Anxious Times
- By Tony Spiller, BRF, £8.99 84 puzzles – crosswords, anagrams, word searches, mazes, spirals and others – will make you puzzle over the Bible, increase your biblical knowledge and give you hours of fun. Be ready for some surprises on the way!Bible Puzzles for Fun
- By Peter Tyrer, SPCK, £9.99 Controversy and confusion surround personality disorder (PD). Long dismissed as impossible to treat, PD has become a catch-all for various conditions, abounding with negative stereotypes and incorrect information. Now, revised and simpler classifications devised for the World Health Organization (WHO) should make diagnosis and treatment more straightforward. This book, by...Taming the Beast Within – shedding the stereotypes of personality disorder
- By Tim Cantopher, SPCK, £9.99 Jeremy Vine of BBC Radio 2 has called this a ‘brilliant book about how we identify the often-charming people – who only spread misery.’ Some people are so stressful, they can actually make us ill. Gameplayers, bullies, users and abusers – all can become a risk to our health and...Toxic People – dealing with dysfunctional relationships
- By Roger Scruton, Continuum, £15.29 Addressing one of the most politically turbulent periods in modern British history, philosopher Roger Scruton asks how, in these circumstances, we can come to define our identity, and what in the coming years will hold us together. To what are our duties owed and why? How do we respond to...Where We Are – the State of Britain Now
- By Jon Tyson, Authentic Books, £12.99 A NYC pastor inspires readers to find their most meaningful and purposeful life. Surprising to many, this life is not measured by success, comparison, or accolades. Rather, free and joyful living stems from a God-centred celebration of our union with Christ and the lives of those around us. Life...The Burden is Light: liberating your life from the tyranny of performance and success
- Sustaining Leadership – You are more important than your ministry The One Hour Bible – From Adam to Apocalypse in Sixty Minutes Is Your God Too Small? – Enlarging our vision in the face of life’s struggles Mad or God? – Jesus: The Healthiest Mind of All A Poet’s Notebook – with new poems, obviously...Reviews (all) September 2018
- By Paul Swann, BRF, £8.99 This will be very helpful to ministers, priests and ordinands and for senior ministers with responsibility over others. Sustaining Leadership is not a book about what to do as a leader. It is about how to be as a leader. Honest and profoundly pastoral, the author’s insights emerge from devastating...Sustaining Leadership – You are more important than your ministry
- By Phili Law, SPCK, £4.99 According to a recent Bible Society survey, around 30% of parents in the UK don’t know that Adam and Eve, David and Goliath, or the Good Samaritan are in the Bible, and 27% think Superman is or might be a biblical story! Over 33% believe the same about Harry...The One Hour Bible – From Adam to Apocalypse in Sixty Minutes
- by David Potter, BRF, £8.99 Job struggled, as we do, with huge questions – his own and the world’s. He and his friends looked for an answer in the past, but discovered that the answer lay elsewhere – in God Himself, and in the divine presence in his life. In this book David Potter opens...Is Your God Too Small? – Enlarging our vision in the face of life’s struggles
- By Pablo Martinez, Andrew Sims, IVP, £8.49 Jesus had greater influence than any other person who ever lived. Yet atheistic detractors often portray Him as insane or deranged. Claims gather momentum. Too often they are left unchallenged. Is there any basis for such claims? The authors, both respected psychiatrists, consider Jesus’s words, actions and teaching,...Mad or God? – Jesus: The Healthiest Mind of All