Viewing all items in Resource Category: God in the Arts
Exploring symbols of the Christian faith
- In 828 the relics of St Mark the evangelist were seized from their resting place in Alexandria and brought by two adventurers to Venice. The Basilica of St Mark was built to house these relics, and it was this link between the saint and Venice that determined so much of the city’s history through the...‘In sweet music is such art’: the Basilica of St Mark in Venice
- In the midst of the dreaming spires and Gothic splendour of Oxford stands the Ashmolean Museum. Its classic proportions are a contrast to the buildings around. Within, the addition of thirty new galleries has doubled the exhibition space, and the visitor to the museum will discover a wealth of beautiful and impressive works – Renaissance...‘He gave us eyes to see them’: ‘Menorah’ by Roger Wagner
- There is a story of two men talking about their new vicar. One says to the other, “This new one’s not a patch on the old vicar. With the old one preaching I was asleep in five minutes. With the new one it takes all of ten.” Some churches in times past employed ‘sluggard-walkers’ who...‘My First Sermon’ by John Everett Millais
- Editor: If you use the artwork with this article, please credit : Domenico Veneziano, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons During this year, we shall be ‘visiting’ different art galleries and museums in England to explore their treasures. Our first visit is to the Fitzwilliam Museum in Cambridge. Founded in 1816, it is a wonderful...‘The Annunciation’ – by Domenico Veneziano
- In the Middle Ages, at the end of the Christmas Midnight Mass, the clergy would often tell the animals’ version of the Nativity story and imitate the sound of each animal. The cock would crow ‘Christus natus est.’ (Christ is born). The cows would moo ‘Ubi?’ (Where?). The sheep would bleat ‘In Bethlehem.’ And the...‘Glorious the song when God’s the theme’: Morten Lauridsen, American composer
- “What a composer has to do is to find out the real message he has to convey to the community and say it directly and without equivocation…if the roots of your art are firmly planted in your own soil, and that soil has anything individual to give you, you may still gain the whole world...‘Glorious the song when God’s the theme’: Valiant-for-Truth
- John Henry Newman was a great Victorian churchman, an inspired Anglican preacher and teacher who became a Roman Catholic in 1845. Newman was also a poet and wrote hymns that have remained perennial favourites – among them, ‘Lead, kindly Light ‘and ‘Praise to the Holiest.’ The first hymn was written when, as an Anglican, Newman...‘Glorious the song when God’s the theme’: ‘The Dream of Gerontius’
- At the end of his life in 1924, Gabriel Fauré, the French composer, said to his sons, “When I am no longer here, you will hear it said of my works, ‘After all, that was nothing much to write home about!’ You must not let that hurt or depress you. It is the way of...‘Glorious the song when God’s the theme’: Fauré’s Requiem
- The German theologian, Karl Barth, is reputed to have said, “Whether the angels play only Bach in praising God, I am not quite sure; I am sure, however, that en famille they play Mozart.” It is a lovely image of angels in the heavenly courts above, mirroring the human enjoyment of music making here on...Surely angels play Mozart at home
- In 1956 a small novel by a German writer, Johannes Rüber, appeared in an English translation. It was called ‘Bach and the Heavenly Choir’ and tells of Pope Gregory XIX’s desire to elevate Bach to the ranks of the saints. To bring together the Lutheran bishop and his own cardinals, he organizes a great Bach...‘Glorious the song when God’s the theme’: J S Bach’s joy and dance
- ‘Surprised by Joy’ is the title C S Lewis gave to his spiritual autobiography. To him, joy meant not just the name of the woman he eventually married, but also an awareness of God’s glory and goodness. It was something that, like Wordsworth, he experienced in childhood, and later in his thirties when his faith...‘Glorious the song when God’s the theme’: Johannes S Bach
- May is traditionally the month of Mary, the mother of Jesus. When we read of Mary in the Gospels, we sense the heartache and trial of much of her life: a teenage mother giving birth in a stable, fleeing with her new-born baby and Joseph to Egypt, losing the child Jesus while on pilgrimage to...‘Glorious the song when God’s the theme’: the Stabat Mater