Viewing all items in Resource Category: God in the Arts
Exploring symbols of the Christian faith
- Holy Week, as its name tells us, is the most important, holiest week in the Church’s year, when we follow Jesus from His triumphant entry into Jerusalem, to the Upper Room, to Calvary and to the garden of the tomb. As we make that journey each year, we are not just remembering past events. We...‘In a grove lit only by a kiss’
- At this time of the year, we are planning our gardens for the Spring and Summer ahead. The book of Genesis opens with a glorious account of God’s work of creation, and it also tells us that God rested on the seventh day. We all need to find that balance of work and rest, of...Enter my rest
- Waiting is a common human experience. Our lives are made up of waiting that leads to encounter, and the waiting requires patience and humility. Milton wrote in his blindness, ‘They also serve who only stand and wait’ as he wondered what he could do for God’s kingdom now that his sight had gone. Simeon in...Nunc Dimittis
- A few years ago, one of the Sunday magazines printed a Doom Directory. It surveyed the possible ways in which the world might come to an end – nuclear disaster, famine, global warming and so on. The cover showed a man bearing a placard, ‘The end of the world is at hand’: he was at...What hope, at the turning of the year?
- ‘In that region there were shepherds keeping watch over their flock’ In the Old Testament shepherds were greatly valued and treated with respect. Patriarchs, prophets and kings had all tended sheep. Job, a rich man, owned 14,000 sheep. David was tending sheep when he was called by God and anointed by Samuel. But as the...‘The Annunciation to the Shepherds’
- The philosopher Wittgenstein gave the following advice to people visiting an art gallery or exhibition: never try to rush through all the paintings on show, but instead choose just one painting. Sit in front of it for twenty minutes. Then get up and leave the art gallery. It is difficult advice to take to heart...‘All you who pass this way, look and see’
- For nine days at the end of September Jewish families will have gathered to celebrate the festival of Tabernacles. It is always a happy season as adults and children alike join for their Harvest feast. Many churches will be having their own Harvest Thanksgivings at the beginning of this month. We know this was a...‘Spread over us the tabernacle of your peace, O God’
- There is a story that someone asked a Father of the early church, Tertullian, to prove the existence of God. He replied by showing the person a rose. But Tertullian took a risk, for while many appreciate the beauty and wonder of a rose, it is not everyone who sees that beauty pointing to God...‘How wonderful Creation is’
- In the 3rd century a Chinese philosopher, Chang Tsu, had a very vivid dream. He dreamed he was a butterfly, happily flying here and there. When he awoke, he thought to himself, ‘Did Chang Tsu dream that he was a butterfly, or did the butterfly dream that it was Chang Tsu?’ Dreams are often like...‘The Lord is in this place’
- When St Peter preached his first sermon on the day of Pentecost, he showed how the life, death and resurrection of Jesus had to be understood in the light of the Old Testament. The promise of the Old was granted fulfilment in the New. This is how we understand the unity of the two Testaments:...Promise and Fulfilment
- At the end of this month, on 28th June, we celebrate two of the great saints of the early church: Peter and Paul. We might relate more easily to Peter because his humanity and vulnerability spill out of the pages of the New Testament in everything he said and did. Peter was a fisherman, who...‘I do not know the man’, the fearful Peter said
- When Van Gogh painted ‘The Raising of Lazarus’, he turned to Rembrandt for inspiration. But in place of the figure of Jesus, he painted a warm, glowing sun, radiant in the sky, and shining out to bring renewal of life to Lazarus and his sisters. From time immemorial people have placed the sun at the...I wish you a joyful May