Viewing all items in Resource Category: God in the Arts
Exploring symbols of the Christian faith
- I like the story of the vestry noticeboard of a church in Hampshire: after a Holy Week performance of Stainer’s ‘Crucifixion’, the choirmaster wrote: ‘“The Crucifixion” – well done, everyone!’ Later that day, someone had added, ‘The Resurrection – well done, God!’ For the two disciples treading the road to Emmaus, there was no such...Come, risen Lord, and deign to be our guest
- ‘Ecce Ancilla Domini’ (Behold the handmaid of the Lord) is the title of this month’s painting of the Annunciation by Dante Gabriel Rossetti. We shall hear those words in the Gospel for this feast on 25th March, when Mary responds to Gabriel’s message that she is to be the mother of our Saviour. It is...Behold the handmaid of the Lord
- Forty days and forty nights On the 17th of this month, we enter the season of Lent: those 40 days when we follow Jesus into the wilderness and prepare ourselves to celebrate His Easter victory. In the last century an artist called Stanley Spencer planned to create a series of 40 paintings, each depicting a...Stanley Spencer’s ‘Christ in the Wilderness – Scorpions’
- When St Paul wrote about the birth and humanity of Jesus to the Philippians, he described it as an emptying and a humbling. Jesus humbled Himself, he wrote, ‘and became obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.’ In obedience and love Jesus followed the will of His Father through His ministry...The hidden years of Jesus
- During this year we have explored the beauty and wonder of our world in the rich variety of all creatures great and small. In the months of lockdown and restrictions, many of us have used the time to look afresh at the world of Nature and have learnt to value it once again. When we...He gave us eyes to see them: St Kevin of Glendalough and the blackbird
- ‘He never makes it his business to inquire whether you are in the right or the wrong, never asks whether you are rich or poor, silly or wise, sinner or saint. You are his pal. That is enough for him.’ Jerome K Jerome was writing there about the special bond between human beings and dogs...Tobias, the angel and the dog, by Andrea del Verrochio
- On 4th October we give thanks for one of the most loved saints in the church – Francis of Assisi. He died in 1226, but his example and witness have lived on to inspire Christians through the centuries. His was a life focused on the crib and the cross, Lady Poverty and the stigmata, suffering...He gave us eyes to see them: ‘St Francis of Assisi preaching to the fish’
- The weeks and months of lockdown have been difficult and testing times for many of us, but they have also provided the opportunity to look afresh at the world of nature. With less traffic on the roads, less air pollution, and less noise pollution, the sky has somehow seemed bluer and the bird song more...He gave us eyes to see them: ‘The Madonna of the Goldfinch’ by Raphael
- TQ – Tingle Quotient – is the name given to those things that can produce a tingle down the spine or a frisson of excitement. It could be a piece of music or the sight of an evening sunset at sea. We look, we hear, and our sense of wonder as something sublime unfolds before...The Transfiguration – beholding the Glory
- The calendar allows us to celebrate St Thomas the apostle in this month of July as well as traditionally in December. Thomas is mentioned with the other disciples in all the Gospels, but it is in the fourth Gospel that he moves into the centre of the stage in his own right. In chapter 14...The incredulity of St Thomas – ‘My Lord and my God’
- Jesus the Good Shepherd has been a popular inspiration for artists from the earliest days of Christianity. But this month we focus on another image that has been just as powerful and influential from the first centuries of the Church: Jesus the vine. We think of grapes and the vine as symbols of the Eucharist...‘I am the true vine’
- The prophet Jonah is mentioned three times in the Gospels when Jesus refers to ‘the sign of Jonah.’ In the Old Testament he was swallowed by a large fish, traditionally a whale, and in its belly for three days and three nights. It is easy to see in that sign a reference to the death...‘He gave us eyes to see them’: early Persian painting of Jonah and whale