Viewing all items in Resource Category: God in the Arts
Exploring symbols of the Christian faith
- The nursery rhymes we learnt as children often focused on lambs: Mary had a little lamb, Baa baa black sheep, Little Bo-Peep and Little Boy Blue. They come to mind in springtime when we see lambs in the field jumping for joy or bleating as they run to the ewes for warmth and safety. Murillo,...Murillo’s ‘St John the Baptist with the Lamb
- The RSPCA was the first national animal welfare society in the world and was founded in 1824 by an Anglican priest, the Revd Arthur Broome. He asked the question, ‘Can the infliction of cruelty on any being which the Almighty has endued with feelings of pain and pleasure consist with genuine and true benevolence?’ This...‘He gave us eyes to see them’: woodcut from Cologne Bible of 1478
- The canticle we call the Benedicite began its life as the Song of the Three Holy Children. In the midst of their terrifying ordeal in the burning fiery furnace, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego praise God. They call on the sky above, the seasons, and all that grows and moves on the earth to join them....‘He gave us eyes to see them’: William Blake’s engravings of Job
- St Francis’ Canticle of the Sun invites all creatures to praise God the Creator. But we live in a world of climate change and global warming. A thousand species are at risk of extinction in the United Kingdom alone. The richness of creation St Francis knew in his day is no longer. We need to...‘He gave us eyes to see them’: ‘The Peaceable Kingdom’ by Edward Hicks
- During this year we have been exploring the wealth of paintings in the National Gallery in London. Each year the Gallery has exhibitions highlighting the work of one particular artist, and until 26 January there is a major exhibition, ‘Gauguin Portraits.’ It celebrates in paintings and sculptures the life and work of Paul Gauguin (1848-1903)....He gave us eyes to see them: Gauguin’s Portrait of a Breton Girl at Prayer
- The National Gallery in London is a remarkable treasure house of art, founded in 1824 and home to over 2,300 paintings. Much work goes on behind the scenes to maintain this collection, and in August after a seven-year restoration project, a particular painting went on display for the first time in over a hundred years....‘The Virgin and Child with Saints’ by Giovanni Martini da Udine
- Thomas Moore wrote a haunting, melancholy song called ‘The Last Rose of Summer.’ It is about love and friendships passing as the blossom wilts and summer turns to autumn. Perhaps we know that feeling as we see the leaves falling and the nights drawing in. But autumn is also the season of harvest celebrations when...He gave us eyes to see them: ‘A Basket of Roses’ by Fantin-Latour
- When we sing the Sanctus in the Eucharist, we are affirming that our worship here on earth is caught up in the worship offered by the angels in heaven. They praise God around His throne of glory, but they are also agents of His care and guidance in our lives. Leading them is the archangel...St Michael the Archangel by Bartolemé Bermejo
- The National Gallery at Trafalgar Square in London houses one of the finest collections of European paintings in the world, with some 2,300 works spanning the centuries. During this year we are journeying through the gallery to explore one of those treasures each month. By the Revd Michael Burgess. “We can never know the secret...‘The Ambassadors’ by Hans Holbein
- ‘Mindfulness’ seems to be the ‘in’ word. In a world where people are moving faster and faster, we are called to slow down, to attend to the present moment and enjoy it for its own sake, whatever the pressures of work and family around. For Christians it is a call to live a simple and...‘Beach scene’ by Degas
- Over the last years praying ‘Thy kingdom come’ has become an important part of church life for the days between Ascension and Pentecost. It has been promoted by church leaders, who have encouraged Christians to follow the pattern of Mary, the mother of our Lord, and the disciples. St Luke tells us in Acts how...Panel depicting the first Pentecost: by Barnaba da Modena
- The 6th Sunday of Easter is traditionally Rogation Sunday, when we give thanks for the fruits of the earth and pray for all who work on the land. Rural churches often celebrate nature’s cycle from seeds sown to crops harvested with Plough Sunday, Rogationtide, Lammas and Harvest. Jesus in His teaching pointed out the miracle...Still Life with Strawberries, Gooseberries and Asparagus: Adriaen Coorte