Viewing all items in Resource Category: God in the Arts
Exploring symbols of the Christian faith
- This month’s painting in the National Gallery is known as the Mond Crucifixion. It has an interesting history, because Ludwig Mond, the German born scientist and industrialist, offered to lend the painting to the Gallery in 1892. The trustees for some reason declined the offer. Ludwig Mond was undeterred and at his death in 1909...The Mond Crucifixion – by Raphael
- George Herbert wrote a poem entitled ‘Lent’ which contains these lines: Who goeth in the way which Christ hath gone, Is much more sure to meet with Him than one That travelleth by-ways. And so each Lent we seek to journey with our Lord through the 40 days of this season. Lent is an Old...Christ blessing John the Baptist – by Moretto da Brescia
- This month of February opens with the celebration of Candlemas. On the 2nd we recall that special moment of enlightenment when Mary and Joseph bring Jesus to the temple. They meet Simeon, who represents the waiting people of Israel – a nation looking for a better world now that the holy city was in the...‘The Presentation in the Temple’ by Guercino
- The National Gallery at Trafalgar Square in London houses one of the finest collections of European paintings in the world. Built in the style of an ancient Greek temple, it is home to 2,300 works spanning the centuries of artistic creation. During this year we shall be journeying through the gallery to explore one of...‘The Adoration of the Kings’ by Botticelli
- In January we began this course exploring signs and symbols with the Cross: a sign of death, but also a sign of victory. We end the year with a sign that proclaims birth and new life: the crib of Christmas. In December cribs will be set up in churches, homes, villages and town centres. It...‘He gave us eyes to see them’ – a Catalan artist’s nativity in Barcelona
- When we were at Sunday School, we probably learnt the hymn: ‘Jesus bids us shine with a pure, clear light, Like a little candle burning in the night. In this world of darkness, we must shine, You in your small corner and I in mine.’ As we grew up, we learnt that Jesus calls us...‘He gave us eyes to see them’ – the ‘Catholic Mystery’ by Maurice Denis
- ‘The conscious water saw its God and blushed’ – in those words, the poet Richard Crashaw describes the first miracle of Jesus at the wedding feast in Cana. This sign at the beginning of our Lord’s ministry points ahead to that other meal when a cup of wine will be poured out for many. The...‘He gave us eyes to see them’ – Duccio’s Wedding at Cana
- All the saints have their special symbols. When we see a saint in a window or painting carrying loaves of bread, we know it is St Philip. It was Philip who wondered how the multitude gathered around Jesus could be fed in John 6. Our Lord met their hunger with just five loaves and two...Church of the Multiplication at Tabgha
- ‘You need hands to hold someone you care for’ – that song of 1958 reminds us how hands can convey a wide range of gestures and meanings. Hands to embrace, hands to signal ‘Stop,’ hands to sound out applause, and hands to show welcome. In the life of the church, we can thinkof sacraments that...‘He gave us eyes to see them’ – Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel
- ‘He gave us eyes to see them’: Ludolph Bakhuizen’s ‘Christ in the storm on the sea of Galilee’ When we enter a church and sit in a pew, we can look up and see the roof of the nave: a reminder that the church is a ship sailing through the ocean of life. Boats and...Ludolph Bakhuizen’s ‘Christ in the storm on the sea of Galilee’
- ‘He gave us eyes to see them’: St Erasmus’ mitre 2nd June is the feast day of St Erasmus or Elmo – not a well-known saint, but a bishop who suffered terribly under Diocletian’s persecution and died in 303. His symbol is a windlass, used to wind up a ship’s anchor, and his name lives...He gave us eyes to see them: St Erasmus’ mitre
- On Sunday 27th May we shall be praising God as the Holy Trinity: three in one and one in three. Preachers will be pointing perhaps to the tree with its root, trunk and branches or to a human being with will, heart and mind. Or to symbols of the Trinity with the triangle or three...‘He gave us eyes to see them’ – Tiepolo’s Trinity altarpiece