Viewing all items in Resource Category: God in the Sciences
Exploring how God and Science are compatible
- Every person who ever lived was once a sperm and an egg. Those two cells fused together, and in nine months they turned into a living, breathing, human being. Each of us emerged from this same embryonic development process, which is highly complex and organised, but variable enough to turn out a unique individual every...Fearfully and Wonderfully Made
- We live in a world where we can expect the sun to rise tomorrow and the milk to pour out of the bottle when we tilt it over our cereal. But for God, the properties of matter and the biological processes that we know and read about in textbooks are simply the usual ways He...Science and Miracles
- My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth.Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. Psalm 139:15-16 You began life as a single...The Incarnation: fearfully and wonderfully made
- “I was travelling, and out early in the morning: at first there was a vast fog; but, by the time that I was seven or eight miles from home towards the coast, the sun broke out into a delicate warm day. We were then on a large heath or common, and I could discern, as...Wonder and Worship
- On 9th-16th October this year many people around the world will be celebrating the Jewish festival of Tabernacles, or Sukkot. They will celebrate the Harvest, and also remember God bringing the Israelites out of Egypt and through 40 years in the desert. The biblical book of Deuteronomy contains a description of what Tabernacles should have...Continuing the Celebration!
- This summer the first operational images from the James Webb Space Telescope astonished and delighted astronomers, as well as the rest of us. Those of us who have grown up in an age when ‘astronaut’ is a career option (albeit a pretty specialist one) might struggle to identify with the wonder of these events, and the true scale of...Big perspective, big questions
- One of the most famous stories about Jesus is the calming of the storm (Luke 8:22-25). Of course, anyone could say that the wind stopped suddenly of its own accord, but the disciples were not fooled. They had seen a number of these ‘coincidences’ in Jesus’ ministry, and they weren’t about to ignore this one....Keeping Calm in the Storm
- It can be easier to notice things away from home, when we are relaxed and surrounded by unfamiliar sights in an exotic location. But sometimes the same wonders are there in our own back yard. GK Chesterton was a great advocate of intensive observation, and he invited his readers to take a fresh look at...Wonder and Worship: Reflections in a Scottish Rainforest
- Help, my kids just asked me a science question! Why aren’t dinosaurs in the Bible? The Bible wasn’t written to list all the animals on earth or tell us about science. It was written a long time before people started to use science to learn about the world. When the Bible was written, people didn’t...God in the Sciences for June 2022
- A few years ago I visited the Smithsonian Museum’s Hall of Human Origins. Our guide, the curator of anthropology, was keen to help Christians understand his research. Whatever you make of the evidence for human evolution, the fact remains that other species a bit like us were around before we came on the scene – or...Humility
- PCR tests are a fact of life for most of us at the moment. As a biologist who was doing this procedure long before most people had heard of it, I take secret delight in people’s use of the acronym. Let me open the laboratory door and share the wonders it conceals. The swab that...The Wonder and the Sorrow of PCR Tests
- What is the difference between a cathedral and a physics lab? Are they not both saying: ‘Hello’? – Annie Dillard Scientists often speak of a reality beyond the objects they are studying, and for some this is encountered in powerful – if rare – episodes of wonder and awe. The Christian writer J.W. Sire quotes...Science and a sense of the Transcendent