Viewing all items in Resource Category: Holy Days
Featuring the Saints whose feast-day is this month
- Many of us can show great dedication in pursuit of a career that will bring us a good salary or position. Peter Chanel should be the patron saint of anyone who shows quiet determination in doing what they believe to be God’s call upon their life; regardless of the harsh personal consequences. Chanel was born...28th April – Peter Chanel: missionary and martyr in the South Pacific 1841
- Catherine of Siena, who was born 1347, should be the patron saint of anyone who has grown up in a large family, and mastered the two vital skills for survival: how to stand up for yourself, and how to make peace with others. Catherine had siblings! At least 19 of them. Her father was a...29th April – Catherine of Siena, or how to survive in a large family
- Mark, whose home in Jerusalem became a place of rest for Jesus and His 12 apostles, is considered the traditional author of the second gospel. He is also usually identified as the young man, described in Mark 14:51, who followed Christ after his arrest and then escaped capture by leaving his clothes behind. Papias, in...29th April – Mark: disciple, apostle, writer of the second gospel
- High Days & Holy Days Editor: As the church year does not change, much of this material has appeared before. New material is marked with an asterisk. 1 St David’s Day (two options) 2 Chad – Bishop of Lichfield and missionary c 672 4 Casimir NEW*5 Eusebius 7 Perpetua and Felicitas 8 Woodbine Willie 9 ...High Days & Holy Days (all) for March 2018
- High Days & Holy Days for February Editor: As saints’ days do not change, this material has appeared before on this site. The day with the asterisk, remembering George Herbert, is new this year. 1 Brigid of Ireland – Abbess of Kildare, c 525 2 The Presentation of Christ in the Temple/ Candlemas...High Days & Holy Days (all) for February 2018
- High Days and Holy Days for January 1 The naming of Jesus 1 Have you ever wondered where the name ‘Jesus’ comes from? 2 Basil the Great – champion of the Church 2 Basil and Gregory – lives of costly discipleship 5 Simeon Stylites – one of the weirder saints! 6 Epiphany 6 ...High Days & Holy Days (all) for January 2018
- High Days and Holy Days for December Editor: We have provided some notes on the Season and some of its saints… As Saints’ Days do not change from year to year, we have offered material on many of these days before. The sections marked in blue headlines with asterisks are new this year. 1 ...High Days & Holy Days (all) for December 2017
- High Days and Holy Days for November Editor: As Saints’ Days do not change from year to year, we have offered material on many of these days before. The one with an asterisk is new this year. 1 All Saints’ Day 1 The first martyrs 2 All Souls’ Day 3 Hubert 4 ...High Days & Holy Days (all) for November 2017
- 1 Remigius 1 Theresa of Lisieux 2 Your Guardian Angel 3 Hewald the Black and Hewald the White 4 St Francis of Assisi *6 NEW William Tyndale, Bible translator and Reformation martyr 8 Demetrius of Sirmium 9 Luis Bertran (1526-81) 9 Denys of Paris 10 Francis Borgia 13 Edward the Confessor 14 Donation 18 Thank...High Days & Holy Days (all) for October 2017
- High Days & Holy Days (all) for September 2017
- Here you will find all the stories under this section.High Days & Holy Days (all) for August 2017
- Here you can download all of the High Days and Holy Days for this month.High Days & Holy Days (all) for July 2017