Viewing all items in Resource Category: Holy Days
Featuring the Saints whose feast-day is this month
- – disciple, apostle, writer of the second gospel Mark, whose home in Jerusalem became a place of rest for Jesus and His 12 apostles, is considered the traditional author of the second gospel. He is also usually identified as the young man, described in Mark 14:51, who followed Christ after his arrest and then escaped...26th April – Mark
- – fierce firebrand of the Early Church Tertullian was born in Carthage, North Africa, about 155 AD. He had pagan parents and his father may have been a centurion. Carthage was a prestigious Roman colony and Tertullian was given a good education in Greek, Latin, literature, history and philosophy. On arrival in Rome, Tertullian probably...27th April – Tertullian
- -the long-suffering servant girl of Lucca If you have ever been in trouble for simply doing good, then Zita is the saint for you. Born in 1218 to poor but devout parents in Monsagrati, Zita was sent at the age of 12 to work as a servant for the rich Fatinelli family in nearby Lucca....27th April – Zita
- – missionary and martyr in the South Pacific 1841 Many of us can show great dedication in pursuit of a career that will bring us a good salary or position. Peter Chanel should be the patron saint of anyone who shows quiet determination in doing what they believe to be God’s call upon their life;...28th April – Peter Chanel
- – or how to survive in a large family Catherine of Siena, who was born 1347, should be the patron saint of anyone who has grown up in a large family, and mastered the two vital skills for survival: how to stand up for yourself, and how to make peace with others. Catherine had siblings!...29th April – Catherine of Siena
- Sundays of the Month Editor: You might find it helpful to know what the Sundays of each month are called… 2nd March Last Sunday before Lent 9th March 1st Sunday of Lent 16th March 2nd Sunday of Lent 23rd March 3rd Sunday of Lent 30th March 4th Sunday of Lent – Mothering...High Days & Holy Days (all) for March 2025
- Time for daffodils 1st March is St David’s Day, and it’s time for the Welsh to wear daffodils or leeks. Shakespeare called this custom ‘an honourable tradition begun upon an honourable request’ – but nobody knows the reason. Why should anyone have ever ‘requested’ that the Welsh wear leeks or daffodils to honour their patron...1st March – St David’s Day
- The recycled bishop Chad should be the patron saint of any modern bishop whose consecration is questioned by another bishop. Chad was consecrated a bishop, then deposed – and then re-consecrated! It all began about the middle of the 7th century, when Oswiu, King of Northumbria, made Chad the bishop of the Northumbrian see. But...2nd March – Chad
- Godly king of Poland Casimir is a good patron saint for anyone whose father drives them crazy. For Casimir did not let an unhappy background stop him from becoming the person he wanted to be. Yet Casimir’s father, the King of Poland back in 1458, was no picnic as a dad. For if you think...4th March – Casimir
- Friend of St Jerome Eusebius is the saint for you if you believe in the Bible, and also in providing hospitality. He was born of a good family in Cremona, Italy, in the fourth century, and felt called to become a monk. As Eusebius was ascetic by nature, he sought out St Jerome in Rome,...5th March – Eusebius
- Joyful martyrs of Africa This story could come straight out of modern Africa. Perpetua was a young married woman of 22 who had recently become a Christian. But the authorities had forbidden any new conversions, and soon she and some other catechumens were arrested and sentenced to death. This was not under Islamic State, nor...7th March – Perpetua and Felicitas
- Bringing love with cigarettes and the Bible Here’s a ‘saint’ that the Church of England remembers from the 1st World War – the Revd Geoffrey Studdert Kennedy MC, or ‘Woodbine Willie’, as everyone knew this popular, much-loved army chaplain on the Western Front. Studdert Kennedy (27th June 1883 – 8th March 1929) had been born...8th March – Woodbine Willie