Viewing all items in Resource Category: Looking at God
Inspirational and devotional articles to encourage your readers in their faith.
- Looking at God A Holiday with Jesus From the Vicar Psalm 1 Be joyful – God’s favour is upon you! What’s Your Talent? ** Editor: The Rev Paul Hardingham considers how ‘rest’ is based on a relationship, and does not depend on where you go. A Holiday with Jesus August is the month when schools...Looking at God (all articles) August 2018
- August is the month when schools are off and many of us go on holiday. The trouble is that holidays soon come to an end! Yet Jesus offers us a rest which has no end: ‘Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon...A Holiday with Jesus
- August is the month when schools are off and many of us go on holiday. The trouble is that holidays soon come to an end! Yet Jesus offers us a rest which has no end: ‘Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon...From the Vicar
- This month we begin a new series on the Psalms. Athanasius said: ‘Most Scripture speaks to us; the Psalms speak for us.’ They are powerful tools for devotion and prayer in our lives. We start by looking at Psalm 1, which sets the scene for the whole book. The psalm tells us how we can...Psalm 1
- Numbers 6:22-27 How would it feel to go into the rest of this month joyfully confident of God’s favour resting on you? What difference might it make to how you’d approach the things you’ll do, the conversations you’ll have, the decisions you’ll make? Confidence comes in knowing that God is the source of every blessing....Be joyful – God’s favour is upon you!
- For a number of years, talent shows have become popular on TV. The programmes feature contestants, of any age, performing a short act in front of judges in the hope of being awarded a large sum of money. This may also lead to a new career and fame too! These programmes feature all kinds of...What’s your talent?
- Looking at God A Plastic Revolution From the Vicar God is able to use us to meet others’ needs THE WAY I SEE IT – Holidays and Holy-days The ‘Other’ Mary Becoming a Christian We are given gifts for a good reason ** Editor: The Rev Paul Hardingham considers the problem of plastic from...Looking at God (all articles)
- A Plastic Revolution The recent Blue Planet II series exposed just how much plastic waste is an issue in our seas. The Prime Minister has called plastic waste ‘one of the great environmental scourges of our time.’ The best estimates suggest 10 million tonnes of plastic ends up in our oceans, contaminating and killing sea...A Plastic Revolution
- From the Vicar The recent Blue Planet II series exposed just how much plastic waste is an issue in our seas. The Prime Minister has called plastic waste ‘one of the great environmental scourges of our time.’ The best estimates suggest 10 million tonnes of plastic ends up in our oceans, contaminating and killing sea...From the Vicar
- We are given gifts for a good reason If we are not practical, it’s good to know we can call on plumbers and electricians to sort out our house problems. Some people are gifted with practical knowledge and skills, and we could not do without them. Other people are more creative and artistic. Such folk...We are given gifts for a good reason
- THE WAY I SEE IT – Holidays and Holy-days ‘Going to go somewhere nice for your holidays?’ is the standard hairdresser’s opening gambit at this time of year. ‘Yes’, I reply, ‘I’m staying here’. They laugh politely, but clearly that’s not their idea of a holiday. In an average life holidays go through stages. Do...THE WAY I SEE IT – Holidays and Holy-days
- The ‘Other’ Mary A new film about her has stimulated fresh interest in one of the most elusive characters in the New Testament story, Mary Magdalene. I saw the film recently and personally found it disappointing. How do you make a rather boring film about such a fascinating person? Was she, as widely believed, a...The ‘Other’ Mary