Viewing all items in Resource Category: Looking at You
A snap-shot of social trends and daily life in the 21st century
- Life is going to become simpler when it comes to recycling. From 2026, the national recycling laws are to be standardised, with Councils across the UK all having to collect the same glass, metal, plastic, paper and card, food waste and garden waste. It is expected that the plans will lead to packaging that is...No more ‘postcode lottery’ recycling
- A good soldier Keep your family safe from fireworks! The best time to exercise, if you want to lose weight< Why keeping a stiff upper lip may not be such a bad idea after all< What new students worry about most What traits do we value in our children? What do girls really want? Teenagers...Looking at You (all articles) for November 2023
- Join with me in suffering, like a good soldier of Christ Jesus. No one serving as a soldier gets entangled in civilian affairs, but rather tries to please his commanding officer. (2 Timothy 2:3,4) I went to Israel last year and one of the things you notice straightaway is there are young people everywhere in military uniform. We...A good soldier
- Every year, thousands of people – including many children – are injured badly enough to require medical treatment following a fireworks-related accident. While some are injured trying to use professional-grade or illegal fireworks, don’t be in any doubt: small firecrackers and sparklers can also cause significant damage. No wonder, then, that the National Safety Council...Keep your family safe from fireworks!
- The two-hour window between 7am and 9am is the best time to go running or ‘work out’, if you want to lose weight. A recent study by scientists at Franklin Pierce University has found that early morning exercise can help you lose weight more easily, reduce your BMI, and slim down your waist. It is...The best time to exercise, if you want to lose weight
- What do you do with your negative feelings and experiences? Burying them and ‘carrying on’ has long gone out of fashion. Nowadays we are encouraged to express our fears and traumas, get them into the open, and not let them ‘fester’ in our subconscious. But now researchers at the University of Cambridge have found evidence...Why keeping a stiff upper lip may not be such a bad idea after all
- A recent YouGov survey has found that students who began university this autumn were more worried about being lonely than about having enough money, understanding the course, or even finding suitable housing. So, what can a new student do, surrounded by thousands of strangers? How do they begin to make friends that will last? The...What new students worry about most
- Recent research has found that ‘independence’ has overtaken ‘obedience’ in what we want from our children, but that having good manners is still seen as very important. The Policy Institute at King’s College London (KCL) found that parents value independence, good manners, hard work, determination, and perseverance in their children. They also prioritise imagination, tolerance,...What traits do we value in our children?
- For the first time in the UK, doctors have given out more than one million antidepressant prescriptions to teenagers – in just one year. Leading mental health experts believe it is “further evidence of a significant decline in the mental health of young people on the back of the pandemic.” The figures reveal that in...Teenagers given one million antidepressant prescriptions
- Just what the Doctor Ordered Those over-the-top words that we use Is now a good time to grow old? How olive oil could help prevent dementia Little by little does very nicely< Is your car too big to park? Those endless roadworks ** Editor: David Pickup, a solicitor, considers St Luke. Just what the Doctor...Looking at You (all articles) for October 2023
- Many have undertaken to draw up an account of the things that have been fulfilled among us, just as they were handed down to us by those who from the first were eyewitnesses and servants of the word. With this in mind, since I myself have carefully investigated everything from the beginning, I too decided...Just what the Doctor ordered
- I’m trying to stop saying the word ‘incredible’. It’s overused and has become almost meaningless. “We are incredibly grateful”; “I had an incredible meal”. As the word really means ‘beyond belief or understanding’, it can’t actually apply – in either case. ‘Unbelievable’ is similarly misused. So is ‘fantastic’, which is meant to describe something belonging...Those over-the-top words that we use