Viewing all items in Resource Category: Looking at You
A snap-shot of social trends and daily life in the 21st century
- Nowadays people are generally not in hospital for long. Even a major operation only earns you a few days’ stay in one of their beds. With almost embarrassing enthusiasm they get you out of bed, walk you up and down the ward and duly announce that you’re ‘well enough to go home’. Visiting the recovering...Visiting the (recovering) sick
- (or: what the dog training manuals will never tell you) Begin now – and build up your stamina! Pour cold apple juice on the carpet in several places and walk around barefoot in the dark. Wear a sock to work that has had the toes shredded by a blender. Immediately upon waking, rush outside in...How to prepare for your new puppy
- Falling among thieves It’s getting harder to see your GP How your friends may be keeping you alive Some popular health myths debunked Beware your dog’s tracker app One in five people find common noises “intolerable” The pothole crisis deepens ** Editor: David Pickup, a solicitor, considers the after-effects of theft Falling among thieves And...Looking at You (all articles) for May 2023
- And Jesus answering said, A certain man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and fell among thieves… Luke 10:30 Some of the saddest victims of crime include cases where people have been betrayed or taken advantage of by one of their own family members. One victim lost thousands of pounds to someone with whom they...Falling among thieves
- When did you last see your GP, and for how long did that appointment last? According to a recent international study of 10 high-income countries, British patients are given the shortest GP appointments and are also the least likely to see a doctor in person. The Health Foundation found that Britain has the shortest appointment...It’s getting harder to see your GP
- Take care of your friendships, and they will take care of you. A recent study has found that if, in later life, you enjoy your friends on a regular and frequent basis, then the joy that they bring you may even halve your risk of death within five years. The book of Proverbs (27:9) compares...How your friends may be keeping you alive
- The best ways of staying fit and healthy may be different from what you thought. Here are some fitness dictats which were originally based more on marketing than on science. Walk 10,000 steps a day: This goal has been a popular mantra for years, and it has even been adopted by the World Health Organisation....A second look at some popular health ‘sayings’
- A number of apps which offer to keep an eye on your pet are also recording the login details and locations of YOU. Such is the finding of a recent study. It seems that many tech companies which offer smart collars, GPS trackers, and wearable cameras for pets, may also be creating cyber security risks...Beware your dog’s tracker app
- Do some common noises really bother you? If you hate everyday sounds like chewing, sniffing and even moderate breathing, then you may be among the one in every five people in Britain who suffer from misophonia. In the first study of its kind, researchers from King’s College London and University of Oxford have discovered that...One in five people find common noises “intolerable”
- If you drive, you already know this: the potholes are getting worse. Some experts have warned that one in five of our roads will be undriveable in the next five years, unless we get to grips with the crisis. In its recent annual survey on the state of the country’s roads, the Asphalt Industry Alliance...The pothole crisis deepens
- You can do this at home, leading up to Easter! Holiday woes National Stop Snoring Week 18th to 22nd April A surprising reason for suffering depression in later life Have a drink. Have two drinks! 14 conversations to have with your neighbours at a King’s Coronation street party Don’t miss out on your sleep strong>Hedgehogs...Looking at You – daily life in the 21st century (all articles) for April 2023
- Why not put a small cross in your front window as Lent draws to a close, and Easter Week approaches? You can use a Palm cross or a wooden one. A cross is a visible reminder of the death of Jesus, and the Christian meaning of Easter and Resurrection.You can do this at home, leading up to Easter!