Viewing all items in Resource Category: Looking at You
A snap-shot of social trends and daily life in the 21st century
- According to recent research, even a modest reduction in calorie intake can make a big difference over a sustained period. Or to put it another way, an extra 200 calories a day will make you gain about a stone a year in weight. Rates of obesity in the UK have doubled over the past 30...Want to lose weight? Cut your calories by 216 a day
- Our parents taught us that when you want to skim a stone, use only ones that are circular, flat, smooth, and of medium weight. But now scientists have discovered that this is not true. It seems that you do NOT need a perfect stone, in order to skim it successfully. In fact, even stones that...The real secret to skimming a stone
- Litter pickers will be able to make about 20p per can or bottle from a new deposit scheme in England and Wales, according to an environment minister. From 2025, bottles and cans will include a deposit, likely to be 20p, that can be reclaimed when containers are returned to reverse vending machines at designated sites,...Become a litter picker – and earn money
- Who owns the engagement ring if you split up? Are you looking for romance? How to give your children a head-start in life Being bored is good for you The real reason that women do more housework than men The key to a happy life Breath deep ** Editor: David Pickup, a solicitor, considers the...Looking at You (all articles) for February 2023
- He also said, “Bring me the shawl you are wearing and hold it out …Don’t go back to your mother-in-law empty-handed.” Ruth 3:15,17 A Jewish family left Judah to go to Moab. The son married a local girl called Ruth but he died. Ruth decided to return home with her mother-in-law. Back in Judah she...Who owns the engagement ring if you split up?
- If so, you might like to visit Christian Connections, an award-winning Christian dating website. It has won the public-voted Daters’ Favourite Site and Best Niche Site awards three years running. With 22 years of experience, the site helps you to create some meaningful connections with like-minded Christians. Once you have met them, who knows what may happen? https://www.christianconnection.comAre you looking for romance?
- Make sure they learn and memorise their times tables. Knowing any multiple up to 12 times 12 is a “basic building block for success in life”, according to experts. That is why times table tests for Year 4 pupils in England were introduced last year. The schools minister, Nick Gibb, calls knowing your times tables...How to give your children a head-start in life
- Being bored is a good thing – in fact, it can stimulate you to greater creativity. But keeping boredom at bay with endless scrolling on social media will ensure that your creativity is stifled. So say researchers at Bath University. They warn that endlessly distracting yourself to avoid “superficial boredom” has the effect of preventing...Being bored is good for you
- Academics at the University of Cambridge have come up with a theory as to why women do more housework than men. They call it the ‘affordance theory’, which says that men view unwashed dishes and unmade beds as a simple mess, without feeling the need to do anything about it, while women are instilled with...The real reason that women do more housework than men
- Your mental health is the biggest single predictor of your personal happiness. So, suffering from depression or anxiety disorders can devastate your life. Finding love is also a vital ingredient for happiness. “People need to be needed, and to be in meaningful relationships”, says a recent study by the London School of Economics. It goes...The key to a happy life
- Now here’s a trick that you probably haven’t tried before: next time you forget something, try taking some deep breaths. It seems that inhaling stimulates our brain, creating electrical activity where emotions, memory and smells are processed. In a recent American study, individuals were able to identify a face two seconds more quickly if they...Breath deep
- Happy New Year King Charles’s favourite dog breed surges in popularity with public Why we’ll be driving more older cars New Year? Get First Aid training 25th January – time for haggis and bagpipes! Love your pets wisely, but not too well Think happy thoughts to help your immune system Alcohol does not help you...Looking at You (all articles) for January 2023