Viewing all items in Resource Category: Looking at You
A snap-shot of social trends and daily life in the 21st century
- Holding a fireworks party on Bonfire Night? Make a bird nut ball Organise a wine tasting this autumn Help your hedgehogs this autumn Coffee is good for you Working best from where? Has covid changed your personality? Freeze your leftover food, advises Sainsburys Entertaining at home is making a comeback Do you still cook Sunday...Looking at You (all articles) for November 2022
- Autumn bazaar law Forgive the wasps A very modern problem with driving after dark Why walking a small dog may win a woman’s heart Nurseries under threat One reason for heavier flooding in suburbia and urban areas ‘Ban car sat navs in lorries to stop them getting stuck One in five puppies ‘falling ill or...Looking at You (all articles) for October 2022
- ‘… from time to time those who owned land or houses sold them, brought the money from the sales… and it was distributed to anyone who had need…’ Acts 4:33-35 Imagine someone in your church is ‘decluttering’ their home, and soon fills up a box with unwanted items. Then they offer it to you, to...Potluck at the autumn bazaar
- Chances are that you were irritated by wasps this summer – there were a lot of them about. But did you know what they were really looking for? According to Prof Seirian Sumner, a behavioural ecologist and entomologist at University College London, we should try to “understand what wasps want, and what they’re doing at...Forgive the wasps – and learn to understand them
- Men who walk small dogs are seen as less threatening to women than men who walk large or even medium sized dogs. Using cute little dogs to appeal to women is a well-known tactic on dating apps, but now scientists at the University of Jaen in Spain have found that even just walking a small...Why walking a small dog may win a woman’s heart
- Have you ever driven down a road after dark, only to shield your eyes from dazzling beams of a large Sports Utility Vehicle (SUV) coming straight at you? If so, you will know the blinding effect those lights can have. Now a recent study by the RAC has found that almost two thirds of drivers...A very modern problem with driving after dark
- If you are a parent in need of childcare, you may be struggling this autumn. Especially if you live in a rural area. The number of nurseries in the countryside has dropped by a staggering 20 pc since 2015. That means that one in five has now closed. Figures for urban areas are little better,...Nurseries under threat
- That big car in your driveway may be contributing to flash flooding. So warns Sir John Armitt, chair of the National Infrastructure Commission. He points out that the popular trend for buying bigger and bigger cars means that more and more owners need to pave over their gardens, in order to accommodate them. “The roads...Big car, big flood?
- Have you ever come across a huge lorry jammed tight somewhere, and wondered WHY ON EARTH the driver chose that route? The answer is probably that they used a satnav system designed to help cars. Now the Local Government Association (LGA), which represents councils in England and Wales, is calling for a change in the...How to stop lorries getting stuck
- Here is a horrific statistic: one in five puppies are either falling ill or dying before they reach one year old. The reason, says the Kennel Club, is due to a “perfect and terrible storm” of the Covid crisis, followed by the cost-of-living crisis. During Covid, many homebound people decided to get a dog. But...Why so many puppies are dying
- Thoughts on biblical government The hidden danger of gum disease Your toddler and your smartphone Gardening could save your life – but only if you really get stuck in What houseplants can do for cars Be social Be kind to hedgehogs ** Editor: David Pickup, a solicitor, considers politicians. Thoughts on biblical government 13 Submit yourselves...Looking at You (all articles) for September 2022
- 13 Submit yourselves for the Lord’s sake to every human authority: whether to the emperor, as the supreme authority, 14 or to governors, who are sent by him to punish those who do wrong and to commend those who do right. 1 Peter 2:13-14 Most politicians, whether at local or national level, want to do the best for society. However, on...Thoughts on biblical government