Viewing all items in Resource Category: Looking at You
A snap-shot of social trends and daily life in the 21st century
- What is the quality of the air like in your home? That is the concern of the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (Nice). It urges that anyone with breathing or cardiovascular conditions who has “repeated or worsening respiratory conditions” should be asked about their housing conditions. Nice warns that exposure to poor indoor...Something to think about if you have a heart or lung problem
- How neat do we like our gardens to be? Full of manicured lawns, with immaculate flower beds? Well, yes and no. A recent survey by BBC’s Gardener’s World magazine has found that more than half (54 per cent) of gardeners now include ‘uncultivated areas’ in their garden. And some 44 per cent of gardeners have...Take a walk on the wild side!
- Here is a sobering thought: petrol selling at 1.649p per litre in the UK is equivalent to £7.50 a gallon!The cost of petrol
- You and anti-social behaviour Where do you call home? Get going this Spring! Your favourite music If my dog doesn’t love you, I won’t either The new rules of dating Children and energy drinks How to have some happiness this April ** Editor: David Pickup, a solicitor, considers what you can do when you need...Looking at You (all articles) for April 2022
- Consider the blameless, observe the upright; a future awaits those who seek peace. Psalm 37:36-38 It is a nice Spring afternoon, and you want to sit out in the garden to read your parish magazine. You deserve a break, because you have been kept awake all night by noise from certain neighbours in the street where...You and anti-social behaviour
- ‘Where is it that you call home?’ I wonder how different people would answer that question. It’s so much gentler than asking ‘where do you come from?’ That question declares that clearly you don’t come from around here so you must be a stranger in these parts. But the question about home is much deeper...Where do you call home?
- One thing you need to put at the top of your list this Spring is to simply MOVE. Whether you like gardening, cycling, jogging, walking or any other activity, make certain that you do some of it every day. As Prof James Goodwin, of the Brain Health Network in London explains, “Only 25 per cent...Get going this Spring!
- Why do you like the music that you do? It may depend on your personality traits. A recent study has found that agreeable people tend to favour mellow music such as reggae, while neurotic people, struggling with suppressed anger and frustration, will tend to prefer intense styles such as grunge and metal. The study spanned...Your favourite music
- Nearly half of all dog owners would not continue to date somebody if their dog did not like that person. And two in five dog owners prefer to date someone who also has a dog. For those people who go online to look for dates, one in ten dog owners choose potential partners by looking...If my dog doesn’t love you, I won’t either
- Dating is not what it used to be. Instead of making an effort to dress up and meet somewhere special for the first time, nowadays singletons are increasingly staying at home, and vetting potential partners on Zoom first. What started during the pandemic seems to be having a lasting impact, with various dating apps reporting...The new rules of dating
- Up to a third of our children are consuming energy drinks every week, according to recent research by the British Medical Journal. The study, commissioned by the government, found that some under-18s have as many as five or more a week. Now experts have found that too many energy drinks lead to physical symptoms such...Children and energy drinks
- ‘April is the cruellest month,’ wrote TS Eliot at the beginning of his magisterial poem, The Wasteland. And it is a good description of what April may bring us, between the war in Ukraine and soaring energy prices. But apparently, major problems do not mean that we can’t enjoy anything. According to the ‘science of...How to have some happiness this April