Viewing all items in Resource Category: Looking at You
A snap-shot of social trends and daily life in the 21st century
- A good name ‘Anxiety’ comes top The solution for middle-aged depression? Shy about reading out loud? Beware those innocent family board games! Easy tip to help your children sleep better Bored with retirement? Take your holiday at home – but beware! Smile as you eat your broccoli ** Editor: David Pickup considers your options if...Looking at You (all articles) for March 2022
- A good name is more desirable than great riches… (Proverbs 22:1-3) Supposing someone is accused of a serious crime and arrested by the police but not charged. They may eventually be found not guilty in a court or not even charged at all. A relative of the alleged victim is angry that the police have...A good name
- I love being a mum. Becoming a mother was one of the most exciting, miraculous, amazing and also scary times of my life. My birthing plan went out of the window when I needed an emergency caesarean but once our daughter was born, she was laid on my chest, I stared at her enormous eyes...Becoming a mother, what no one tells you …or dad!
- The word ‘anxiety’ has been chosen by children as how they would describe their experience of 2021. Oxford University Press (OUP) asked more than 8,000 pupils, aged between seven and 14, to select a word from a shortlist of 10 words. The words were: anxiety, challenging, isolate, wellbeing, resilience, bubble, kindness, remote, cancelled, empathy. The...‘Anxiety’ comes top
- Many middle-aged people struggle with a bit of depression and the vague feeling that they should be closer to their children. But not many middle-aged people turn to skateboarding, as a solution. Yet a recent study by Exeter University has found that some older people who skateboard say that it has a ‘spiritual meaning’ in...A solution for middle-aged depression?
- Practise by reading to your dog, who won’t be critical of your mistakes, or interrupt you. Dogs who listen to people reading are being used in schools and prisons across the country. It is all a part of The Kennel Club’s Bark and Read Foundation, which was first set up to give children the confidence...Shy about reading out loud?
- If you want to start a family row, you could always suggest a game of Scrabble. It seems that it is the board game which scores highest in sparking arguments. But don’t underestimate the potential of Cluedo and Monopoly. Apparently, the Royal Family long ago decided not to play Monopoly, because it got too “vicious”,...Beware those innocent family board games!
- Get them to turn off their phones by 7pm. When children use their phones later in the evening, the exposure to the radio frequency electromagnetic fields can disturb their ability to go to sleep. The study was carried out by the Barcelona Institute for Global Health. It was based on the phone and sleeping habits...Easy tip to help your children sleep better
- People who retired early (before the age of 66) are going back to work. A study has found that the reason is because they miss having a sense of daily purpose in their lives, or they miss the companionship of work colleagues. A recent study by Aviva found that people who want to retire early...Bored with retirement?
- A ‘staycation’ sounds so safe. But recent data from NHS Digital reveals that people who engage in outdoor leisure activities in the UK may then risk getting struck by lightning. Strikes and injuries increased sixfold in 2020. Of course, the likelihood of you being hit by lightning in the UK is still at about 1.2...Take your holiday at home – but beware!
- If you look happy while you are eating vegetables, you will help your children consume up to double the amount that they would have eaten otherwise. A study by the College of Health and Life Sciences at Aston University has found that adults who have a positive expression on their faces while they eat can...Smile as you eat your broccoli
- How full is your ‘Love Tank’? Dealing with a dispute Saving the Planet via Kitchen and Bathroom in 2022 What a tree can do for you Beware bird flu this winter You and Chris Witty Why you should do housework Want to see if you can find some romance? ** Editor: With Valentine’s Day in...Looking at You (all articles) for February 2022