Viewing all items in Resource Category: Looking at You
A snap-shot of social trends and daily life in the 21st century
- In Britain, we are drinking a third less beer than we did 13 years ago. According to Marston’s, the Wolverhampton brewers, there has been a 30 per cent growth in alcohol-free and low-alcohol beer since 2016, and 40 new product launched in the last two years. The popularity of alcohol-free drinks is being led by...Less beer
- It may be social media is to blame. A research study has found that 13 to 19-year-olds who started using social media early in their lives are now showing signs of ten mental health symptoms, including anxiety, feeling overwhelmed, and insomnia. They are also more irritable, procrastinate for longer, and reveal low self-esteem. The study...Are your teenagers even more grumpy than usual?
- A million more over-50s are working part-time, as compared with ten years ago. In fact, the UK’s part-time workforce is made up of more over-50s than any other age group. Experts says that the figures from the Office for National Statistics reveal that older people today seem keen to avoid cutting themselves off from the...How the over-50s are working!
- Scrooge Owning a dog is good for your heart Shake hands Generous Popular toys for Christmas? Those newsletters inside their Christmas card…</strong Who might be disappointed by your Christmas gift? Will you say ‘thanks’ for your Christmas presents? ** Editor: David Pickup, a solicitor, considers closing the office for Christmas… Scrooge It is Christmas...Looking at You (all articles) for December 2019
- It is Christmas Eve and you are looking forward to having a well-earned break. It is a good opportunity to catch up on reading your parish magazine, and to go to church. Your boss, Ebenezer, told you a week ago that the office would be closed over Christmas as there was no-one for him to...Scrooge
- Thinking of getting your family a dog this Christmas? On the plus side, here is an interesting statistic: dog owners have a 24 per cent reduced risk of all-cause mortality and are 65 per cent less likely to die after a heart attack. Such were the recent findings of researchers at the American Heart Association. ...Owning a dog is good for your heart
- If you are attending various Christmas social events this month, consider this: when you shake hands with someone, how long should you hold on for? It seems that the ideal time is no more than three seconds. Recent research at the University of Dundee found that shaking someone’s hand in a ‘prolonged manner’ (longer than...Shake hands
- Christmas is a time for giving, and we do it well. The British have been ranked among the most generous nations in the world, after a recent study found that six out of ten of us have helped a stranger in the past month. The research, which surveyed 1.3 million people in 128 countries over...Generous
- According to the toy shop Hamleys, board games are going to be popular this Christmas – but not as you knew them. Instead, the ‘smart’ version of Pictionary has been called one of the ‘must-have’ toys this Christmas. It is just one of many classic board games which have been given a digital makeover, including...Popular toys for Christmas?
- Brace yourself – this is the month when many of your distant friends and relatives will be sending you their Christmas card with the Christmas Newsletter tucked inside. You will read all about Grannie’s arthritis and treatment, how Rupert’s progress on the violin is amazing, how their summer holiday cruise of the Med was stupendous,...Those newsletters inside their Christmas card…
- If anyone is not going to like your present, it will probably be a millennial (aged 25 – 34 years). Last year some 37 per cent of millennials unwrapped presents which they found deeply disappointing, according to recent research by Which? You will do better with someone from ‘Generation X’ (aged 18 to 24 years). ...Who may be most happy by your Christmas gift?
- After Christmas, what? Just blank silence? Or a ‘thank-you’ note for that gift? A survey by the insurers Ecclesiastical has found that 60 per cent of 25-to-34-year-olds said they would NOT write a thank-you note because they found writing uncomfortable, or were embarrassed by their handwriting, spelling or grammar, or just did not know what...Will you get a ‘thanks’ for your Christmas presents?