Viewing all items in Resource Category: Looking at You
A snap-shot of social trends and daily life in the 21st century
- Family Debt Beware of taking your dog near water More than 32,000 of us struggle to change a light bulb Put your garden nets away Nits don’t mind mayonnaise The odd nap is good for your heart Accentuate the positive Our hospitals are full of lonely people Exercise can save your life Women dislike a...Looking at You (all articles) for November 2019
- ‘Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for whoever loves others has fulfilled the law.’ Romans 13:8 Supposing you find out that your partner has a serious amount of debt. What do you do? You might have discovered it by seeing a letter or answering the phone or the...Family debt
- First, the sea: palm oil is washing up on beaches across Norfolk, Cornwall and Wales, appearing as white clumps. Councils are warning that such ‘bergs’ can be fatal to dogs. It seems that ships are permitted to dump palm oil into the sea if they are at least 12 miles offshore. But the toxic lumps...Beware of taking your dog near water
- When it comes to DIY, some of us need more help than you might think. Last year Google was asked how to change a light bulb more than 30,000 times. Other DIY jobs that drove people to Google were how to fix a dripping tap (422,000 times), and how to bleed a radiator (322,000 times). ...More than 32,000 of us struggle to change a light bulb
- Don’t leave netting out in your garden over the winter – it is killing our hedgehogs. So warns the RSPCA, after reports of dozens of hedgehogs getting entangled in football, badminton and pond nets. Evie Button, a wildlife scientific officer, warns: “Netting can be a particular hazard for wild animals, as they can easily become...Put your garden nets away
- One in 50 parents is smearing their children’s heads in mayonnaise in order to try and kill nits, according to a recent survey. Parents also try using hair straighteners to burn the lice (one in 25), and garlic oil to smother them (one in 33). But such remedies, though imaginative, do not work. Sadly, nearly...Nits don’t mind mayonnaise
- If you are longing for a nap, go ahead. A recent study has found that people who enjoy a small number of daytime naps a week have only half the risk of life-threatening events such as heart attack or stroke. Researchers say that the reason may be because napping relieves stress, and thus aids cardiovascular...The odd nap is good for your heart
- Having a positive view on life can help you live longer. A recent study has found that people who are optimistic are more likely to live to 85 or older. The study by the Boston University School of Medicine found that the most optimistic men and women have an 11 per cent to 15 per...Accentuate the positive
- Two in five hospital patients never have any visitors, according to a recent survey. And a recent poll of 200 hospital nurses by the Royal Voluntary Service found that many nurses believe that the lack of social contact hampered patient recovery. People with no visitors are less likely to be stimulated by conversation, or move...Our hospitals are full of lonely people
- Sorry to nag you, but if you are middle-aged and sitting for more than nine hours a day, you are doubling your risk of early death. But the solution is simple: walking briskly for 24 minutes a day can help you extend your life. A recent study by the University of Leicester and the Norwegian...Exercise can save your life
- A recent study by the Office for National Statistics has found that women tend to favour shorter commutes to work, while men are more likely to tolerate a longer journey to the office, if they get higher pay for the effort. This combination has tended to contribute to men doing more high-paid jobs, which in...Women dislike a long commute even more than men
- Alarming In praise of grandparents! Active social life may help cut risk of dementia Our bankrupt young Hotter with tattoos One third of young children have never been to the butcher’s or greengrocer’s Housework The rise of self-employment You may love him, but….! Good food for you Are you worried that your child likes gaming...Looking at You (all articles) for October 2019