Viewing all items in Resource Category: Looking at You
A snap-shot of social trends and daily life in the 21st century
- You go to your favourite supermarket on a Saturday to buy your big shop. As you enter the shop the alarm goes off. The alarm continues to sound several times when you are shopping. After you have paid for the shopping and are leaving the alarm goes off. A security guard asks you to go...Alarming
- 6th October is ‘Grandparents Day’. Grandparents in the UK number about 17 million, or more than one in four of the adult population. Grandparents average out at 68 years of age, have four grandchildren who live 10 miles away, and who spend five hours per visit. Grandparents have multiple roles as their grandchildren grow up:...In praise of grandparents!
- If you can continue a healthy social life during middle age and onwards, you might be able to prevent the onset of dementia. It has been found that people of 60 or over who see family and friends almost every day have a 12 per cent lower risk of developing the disease. According to the...Active social life may help cut risk of dementia
- The number of young people who go bankrupt has soared, increasing tenfold in just three years. People from ‘Generation Z’ (aged 18 to 25) now make up one in 15 of all personal insolvencies. Back in 2016 only one in 100 insolvencies involved a young person. As one accountant explained: “In this climate of low...Our bankrupt young
- Thermal image technology has found that heavily tattooed skin heats up more than normal skin in direct sunlight. Images of tattoo artists in Shoreditch, taken on a Cat S61 smartphone, showed higher temperatures on sections of skin that were heavily inked – with the black of the tattoo retaining the most heat.Hotter with tattoos
- That is the finding of a survey by Nationwide Building Society, who also found that one in four youngsters of primary school age do not even know what a high street is. More than half have never visited a laundromat, and nearly half have never been to a florist or key-cutter. The survey comes amidst...One third of young children have never been to the butcher’s or greengrocer’s
- Who does most of the housework in your family? Probably the woman, if you are like most families. That is the finding of a recent analysis of who does household chores, carried out by University College London (UCL). The study found that even among couples where the woman is more qualified and has a more...Housework
- Those aged over 50 now make up nearly half of all self-employed workers. That is about 2.27 million people, up from 1.45 million a decade ago. And almost one in five of the self-employed work-force is over 60. There’s good reason why older people turn to self-employment. With a rising state pension age and a...The rise of self-employment
- Young women are less and less likely to share their finances with their ‘significant other’. A recent survey has found that nearly half of women aged below 34 prefer financial independence. As one accountant explained: ‘With women increasingly entering marriage later in life, after years of earning their own income and controlling their own finances,...You may love him, but….!
- Eating plenty of fruit and vegetables slashes your risk of developing Type 2 diabetes by nearly a quarter, a recent study has found. And adding whole grains, legumes and nuts also protects against diabetes, as they improve sensitivity to insulin (the hormone that controls blood sugar) and reduce weight gain. A senior nutritionist at the...Good food for you
- Then you are not alone. Half of all parents are worried that their children are addicted to computer games, as more and more family routines are disrupted by hours spent online. Many families admit that it is especially hard to get boys to break for meals, or to go to bed, especially if they feel...Are you worried that your child likes gaming too much?
- Children are up to four times more likely to have an asthma attack when they return to school. A recent study from Public Health England has cited a combination of stress, changes in the weather, air pollution and an increase in circulating viruses as the reason why many schoolchildren develop respiratory problems as the term...Asthma danger for children