Viewing all items in Resource Category: Looking at You
A snap-shot of social trends and daily life in the 21st century
- Taking photographs of other people Singing our song Theology degrees at risk Cycle – and be well Beware the hidden extra in getting a tattoo Hot-desking staff waste time Open the window! How hygienic are you? Mummy guilt What to do if you lack confidence Why ‘healthy’ snacks are not so healthy at all. How...Looking at You (all articles) for September 2019
- You are the editor of a local magazine or website, and are contacted by some people who want you to use some of their photographs. There’s the proud uncle whose nephew has just won a competition at a uniformed organisation for baking a cake. His wife took a photo of the entrants and the winning...Taking photographs of other people
- We’ve certainly had a summer of sport, too much, some will say, while others of us simply indulge in the cricket, football and then Wimbledon. Truly the ball has had its day! One side product of international sport is national anthems. Don’t think I’ve ever heard so many at anytime in my life. And to...Singing our song
- The number of students opting to do theology and religious studies at university has almost halved in just six years. More than 14,000 were enrolled in 2011-12, but that fell to 7,585 by 2017-18, putting the degrees at some risk of disappearing from university curriculums. Prof Diarmaid MacCulloch, an expert in church history at the...Theology degrees at risk
- Dr Tom Porter, a consultant in public health medicine, is urging people to cycle more. “It is a fantastic form of physical activity and riding your bike is one of the easiest ways to reduce your risk of ill health while building your cardiovascular fitness. It’s also great for improving mental well-being too. “Not only...Cycle – and be well
- One in five people who get tattoos, cosmetic piercings, acupuncture or electrolysis also get something they did not bargain on: an infection. The Royal Society for Public Health is now calling for an overhaul of safety standards, as it warns that the fashion is putting lives at risk. For although most infections are burning and...Beware the hidden extra in getting a tattoo
- Sharing desks may not be as efficient as some employers hope that it is. A recent study has found that office workers may spend up to two weeks a year just wandering around looking for somewhere to sit. And on average, productivity levels are reduced by almost a third. In recent years companies have used...Hot-desking staff waste time
- The Royal Society for Public Health (RSPH) is concerned that many people mistakenly think that keeping their homes too clean is damaging. So, they do not wash their hands after using the lavatory, handling raw meat, playing with pets, picking up dog poo, coughing, or handling dirty clothing and household linen. The Society stresses that...How hygienic are you?
- How often do you think about the air quality within your own home? The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (Nice) has found that many of us are living with ‘indoor pollution’. It has recently issued advice on keeping kitchens and bathrooms well ventilated to combat the problem. Nice warns that bathing, cooking, cleaning,...Open the window!
- Mothers of young children aged from new-born to six-years-old feel guilty about taking time away from their children in order to exercise. But mothers have a greater influence on their offspring’s activity levels than fathers do, and it is important that children grow up with exercise seen as a normal part of the family routine....Why Mummy should not feel guilty
- Here is a very simple tip for appearing confident or in charge of a situation: tilt your head. Researchers have found that tucking your chin and lowering your head by just 10 degrees makes you appear far more dominant, even if your expression stays neutral. The reason seems to be that tilting your head creates...What to do if you lack confidence
- Three-quarters of toddlers are eating too much. Their parents are feeding them ‘healthy’ fruit-based snacks which are in reality three-quarters sugar. A Public Health England (PHE) investigation has found that the market for baby ‘finger food’ such as dried fruit and oat bars, is rapidly expanding – we spent £100m on such products last year. ...Why ‘healthy’ snacks are not so healthy at all.