Viewing all items in Resource Category: Looking at You
A snap-shot of social trends and daily life in the 21st century
- If you manage it only about once a month, you are not alone. Nearly half of us are so busy with work and other commitments, that seeing family and friends has become a rare thing. It is thought that an increase in social media is responsible for the decline in face-to-face interaction. But according to...How often do you socialise with family and friends?
- Are you increasingly blinded by headlight glare? The rise in popularity of the ‘Chelsea Tractors’ and SUVs on our roads is not helping the problem. In fact, more than half of us are finding that the problem is worse than even a year ago. A survey by the RAC has found that more than half...Blinded by the light?
- Accident Going to Uni this autumn? Or not? iPads and toddlers Gain a baby, but don’t lose a friend When you are stressed, so is your dog! Have you ever lost a close friend to death? Look out for this at family gatherings Where do children feel most lonely? How much did you spend online...Looking at You (all articles) for August 2019
- It is the day of the annual village fete. The weather is nice, there is a good turnout, you won a cake at the guess the vicar’s weight competition, but something awful happens. Someone is injured near a ride and an ambulance attends. You were assured the ride had its own insurance. It is suggested...Accident
- This month thousands of school leavers will be anticipating with excitement the prospect of going on in October to what they insist on calling ‘Uni’. School is over, exams have been taken, required grades achieved, courses chosen and now the promised land of fun and freedom and a bit of study lies ahead. But among...Going to Uni this autumn? Or not?
- You may want to keep your toddler quiet and amused, but you risk damaging their mental health if you allow them to go onto social media from as young as two years old. That is the stark warning from Barnardo’s. In a recent report the charity expressed alarm that so many parents are now using...iPads and toddlers
- How is Prince Harry doing? Well, life is a bit different for him, but on average, around one in five British men loses close friends within a year of becoming a father. Yet young parents struggle more with parenthood without the support of close friends, according to the Movember Foundation charity. It urges men to...Gain a baby, but don’t lose a friend
- The old adage that dogs take after their owners may be more true that we realise. For a new study has found that when dog-owners suffer from on-going anxiety, so do their dogs. Scientists measured the concentration of cortisol, a stress hormone, by taking a few centimetres of hair from a number of dogs and...When you are stressed, so is your dog!
- When a close friend dies, it hurts. Very much. But now an analysis of bereaved people has found that women suffer more, emotionally and socially, than men do, when they lose a close friend. Women friends can take up to four years to recover, probably because women tend to share tighter ‘socio-emotional’ bonds with one...Have you ever lost a close friend to death?
- Going on holiday with the parents this year? If they are elderly, you might want to use the time to keep an eye out for any signs of depression or dementia. It is not a cheerful thing to do on holiday, but one which is recommended by NHS England’s national clinical director for dementia and...Look out for this at family gatherings
- Children who grow up in the city are nearly four times more lonely than those who grow up in the countryside. That is the finding of a recent official study into childhood loneliness. It found that 19.5 per cent of children in cities report ‘often’ feeling lonely, as opposed to just five per cent in...Where do children feel most lonely?
- It was probably about £1,000 on either Amazon or eBay, according to a new study. Ofcom’s Online National report, which surveys the UK’s online habits and attitudes, estimates that online retailers made £1,094 per capita in 2018. The media regulator also revealed that, on average, we each spent about 50 whole days a year online...How much did you spend online last year?