Viewing all items in Resource Category: Looking at You
A snap-shot of social trends and daily life in the 21st century
- Our eyes are ten times more sensitive to UV light than our skin, and eye damage from UV light builds up and can lead to cataracts and age-related macular degeneration – the UK’s biggest cause of blindness. No wonder, then, that the Eyecare Trust has urged parents to take care. Children’s eyes have bigger pupils...Your child’s sunglasses
- Nowadays, one in ten of us is using cash only once a month. That is a 60 per cent rise in the use of our cards in just a year, according to a recent report. But UK Finance, a trade association, reports that overall, we still used cash for about 28 per cent of our...Cash is giving way to cards
- Newlyweds today are more likely to stay married than their parent were. It seems that young couples are taking the commitment more seriously than did their parents, with only 35 per cent likely to divorce, as opposed to 44 per cent in 1986. The Office of National Statistics reports that couples who married in 1963...‘I do’ is more likely to last for life
- Men of a certain age are better map readers than women of a certain age, because they were given Lego to play with when they were young. Playing Lego and other traditional boys’ toys encouraged their spatial awareness, as opposed to playing with Barbies. Such is the verdict of Gina Rippon, a professor of cognitive...Why Lego helps with map reading
- Going on holiday this month? Here is a quick check-list before you go Make sure all your doors, windows, sheds and garage are securely locked (with no neighbour’s cats inside). Make your home look occupied – mow the lawn before you go, leave a spare key with a neighbour who will pop in to turn...Preventing a holiday break-in
- ‘Trespassers will be prosecuted’ Beware – scalding at home is on the rise Have dog, will walk! What a cup of coffee can do for the elderly The internet and children under five-years-old – some guidelines Don’t hug me in the office More of us are ‘going out’ on popular music Fewer of us give...Looking at You (all articles) for July 2019
- And he shall make amends for the harm that he hath done in the holy thing…and it shall be forgiven him. Leviticus 5.16 ‘Trespassers will be prosecuted.’ Have you seen signs like this? Perhaps you have one yourself. Is trespassing a crime that you can prosecute anyone for? The word ‘trespass’ means going on someone...‘Trespassers will be prosecuted’
- The popular trend for installing a boiling water tap in our kitchen is leading to a rise in scaldings, according to recent NHS Digital data. The number of people, including young children, who have suffered serious burns due to their own boiling water taps has risen significantly in the past three years. In 2016-17 there...Beware – scalding at home is on the rise
- If you own a dog, you won’t be surprised to learn you are far more likely to go out walking than your neighbour who doesn’t have a dog. (Especially on rainy winter days!) Now the University of Liverpool has found that 87.3 per cent of us who own dogs exercise for 150 minutes a week,...Have dog, will walk!
- Here is a curious thing: even just one cup of coffee a day can reduce the risk of an elderly person falling – by up to a third. A recent study of thousands of older patients from the UK and Spain has found that even small amounts of coffee are enough to make them steadier...What a cup of coffee can do for the elderly
- Screen time for young children should be limited to an hour a day, and infants should not be exposed to it at all. That is the recommendation of the World Health Organisation (WHO). The guidance comes from the first ever WHO guidelines on physical activity, sedentary behaviour and sleep for young children. They have been...The internet and children under five-years-old – some guidelines
- Hugging and kissing in the office should not be allowed. That is the opinion of three out of four workers, who say that such gestures lead to confusion, embarrassment and stress when greeting their colleagues. A study has found that quarter of us have found ourselves trapped in an unwanted hug, while 19 per cent...Don’t hug me in the office