Viewing all items in Resource Category: Looking at You
A snap-shot of social trends and daily life in the 21st century
- Hymns are on the decline at funerals. A recent survey by the Co-Op found that not a single one has made this year’s top 10 most popular pieces of music for funerals. It is the first time ever that no hymns have appeared on the list, which was last compiled in 2016. Then the list...More of us are ‘going out’ on popular music
- We are giving less time and money to charity than we were two years ago. That is the finding of a recent survey by Charities Aid Foundation (CAF). It found that the proportion of those of us giving money or sponsoring someone has dropped from 69 per cent in 2016 to 65 percent in 2018....Fewer of us give to charity
- Are you a gardener? Then please consider this: the gardeners of Britain are continuing to use up the country’s endangered peat supplies, despite repeated warnings from environmentalists. Now Plantlife, the campaign group, warns that commercial extraction of peat from our peat bogs can remove more than 500 years’ worth of peat growth in a single...For peat’s sake, stop!
- What do you do with your used tin foil? Councils are asking us to give it a good rinse from any food or grease, so that it can be recycled. Foil trays could be added to your dishwasher, so that you don’t waste time or water washing them separately. As the Aluminium Recycling Packaging Organisation...Tin foil
- We are drinking less alcohol. In fact, one in four adults in the UK does not drink at all. That is the finding of a recent study by the Lancet. The trend is noticeable among millennials, with baby-boomers far more likely to drink alcohol – and consume it at higher levels.Britain is sobering up
- How to fill in a form Hot desking Another way to help you sell your home Prescriptions soar, especially for depression Single parents should be valued members of our church family It’s too easy to set your home on fire Take your grandparents on holiday! Are you getting fresh air? Don’t let the sun kill...Looking at You (all articles) for June 2019
- Solomon took a census of all the foreigners residing in Israel, after the census his father David had taken; and they were found to be 153,600. He assigned 70,000 of them to be carriers and 80,000 to be stonecutters in the hills… (2 Chronicles 2:17-18) We can spend much of our working life filling in forms...How to fill in a form
- Do you have to ‘hot desk’ at work? Do you like it? Probably not, for a recent study has found that four out of five office workers who hot desk say it has a negative impact on their mental health. Brickendon, the consultancy who did the research, found that people find it stressful to have...Hot desking
- How do you make your home attractive to potential buyers? Some of us try baking bread, brewing coffee, putting out vases of flowers, or even cutting the grass, in order to make our home look and smell good. Now there’s a new way: include the history of your home. Do some research by scanning newspaper...Another way to help you sell your home
- We are more and more reliant on pills. Prescriptions for antidepressants have doubled in the last ten years, rising from 36 million in 2008 to 71 million in 2018. Prescriptions for drugs for conditions caused by unhealthy lifestyles are also soaring. According to NHS Digital figures, prescriptions for diabetes have risen from 22 million in...Prescriptions soar, especially for depression
- There are an estimated two million single parents in the UK, raising their children in a variety of situations: alone, co-parenting with an estranged partner, or in the middle of a legal battle. Our church family can best enjoy their company by becoming their extended family, and offering them companionship, care and skill support. One...Single parents are valued members of our church family
- Sunshine glinting off a reflective object in your home can be enough to set your house on fire. So warns various fire services up and down the country, from Staffordshire to Dorset. As one expert from Staffordshire Fire and Rescue stresses: “Always keep reflective items such as mirrors, glass and crystal ornaments away from direct...It’s too easy to set your home on fire