Viewing all items in Resource Category: Looking at You
A snap-shot of social trends and daily life in the 21st century
- British families should do what families in southern Europe do – take the extended family on holiday, especially the grandparents, and include them more into their daily lives. So urges Mims Davies, the Minister for Sport. She says that when visiting some of Europe’s beaches, “you will find this huge, wonderful plethora of people on...Take your grandparents on holiday!
- Worldwide, the news is not good: seven million people die of air pollution each year. Here in the UK, there are at least some simple steps you can take: Leave the car when you can: there is actually less pollution walking or cycling along a busy street than going in a car. Larissa Lockwood, head...Are you getting fresh air?
- Summer is upon us. The sun needs to be taken seriously. Here are some useful tips: NEVER leave your pet alone in the car, even with the windows down. Sunlight sets car temperatures soaring in a matter of minutes. Your pet will collapse from heatstroke. On hot days, make sure your pets have regular access...Don’t let the sun kill your pets this summer
- What makes – or breaks – a relationship? Behavioural psychologists say that asking just five questions can help you quickly get to the heart of another person. Question number one is ‘How did you vote on Brexit?’ As one psychologist said, though the question may spark ‘fireworks’, is it vital. “Our political views communicate our...Five questions to help you decide if your new relationship will work
- Every year it is the same: the sun comes out, and the ladders and power tools and enthusiasm for various home improvements follow close behind. Shortly afterwards, there are hundreds of falls and various injuries, as many a DIY adventurer spends the rest of the day down at A&E. When it comes to being willing...Be careful of DIY jobs
- Worried about the mental health of someone you know? Why not hold a Blooming Great Tea Party? In praise of Work Keep going Showing off our magnificent homes – on Instagram The truth about vacuuming Changes in your living room Sweet dreams Dry and keep your own flowers ** Editor: David Pickup is a solicitor...Looking at You (all articles) for May 2019
- Leaving that place, Jesus withdrew to the region of Tyre and Sidon. A Canaanite woman from that vicinity came to him, crying out, ‘Lord, Son of David, have mercy on me! My daughter is demon-possessed and suffering terribly.’… The woman came and knelt before him. ‘Lord, help me!’ … Then Jesus said to her, ‘Woman, you have great...Worried about the mental health of someone you know?
- Would you consider holding a tea party to help raise funds for the Marie Curie charity? Marie Curie and Mel Geidroyc (of the Great British Bake Off) are calling on people across the UK to throw a Blooming Great Tea Party next month, in June. You’d be helping provide vital care and support for people...Why not hold a Blooming Great Tea Party?
- ‘Edward Jones, 39, chemist, was convicted by Harrow magistrates of drink driving.’ I learnt the formula early in my journalistic career. Whatever else you observe, always be sure to report age and job. Contestants on TV quiz programmes are always asked ‘What do you do?’ They don’t reply ‘comb my hair on the left’ or...In praise of Work
- “Sitting still kills.” This rather startling observation from a scientist at Queen’s University Belfast follows research which found that couch potato lifestyles could be causing up to 70,000 deaths in the UK each year. More than 10 per cent of all deaths is due to sedentary living, which raises the risk of heart disease, diabetes...Keep going
- One in six of us has posted photos of a stunning house which we claim to be ours (but which isn’t) in order to impress others on Instagram. One in four of us have been so envious of what we (think we) see of other people’s houses on social media, that we have been made...Showing off our magnificent homes – on Instagram
- Plug-in vacuum cleaners are still more effective than the latest cordless ones. So says Which? In tests, corded models picked up an average of 70 per cent of dust on a carpet, compared to the cordless models’ average of just 41 per cent. In fact, Which? found more than a third of the cordless models...The truth about vacuuming