Viewing all items in Resource Category: Looking at You
A snap-shot of social trends and daily life in the 21st century
- If you are taking pictures of yourself while out and about this Christmas season, please be careful where you take them. Bizarrely, more than 250 people have died that way in the past eight years. Most selfie-related deaths were of young men, aged on average about 23. Now the US National Library of Medicine is...Beware of selfies
- With Christmas coming, and with it the annual ‘celebration’ of family happiness and parties and get-togethers, many of our young people will be feeling even more lonely than ever. And that is very lonely indeed. A recent survey has found that 16 to 24-year-olds experience loneliness more often than any other age group. Two in...The loneliness of our young people
- What are you doing at present? Losing weight to be ready for Christmas celebrations, or planning that diet for early New Year? Either way, bear in mind that crash diets are NOT a good idea. And now a recent study has found that heart attacks and strokes are more common among people who shed and...Yo-yo dieting is ‘worse for your health than being fat’
- They shall not grow old Love, loss, and remembering When your phone rings and rings The perils of zombie walking Spider time of day The new midlife crisis for men We are the third fattest in Europe Yummy honey How Kirsty Allsopp sorted the iPads Can Alexa, Siri or Google understand your accent? ** Editor: ...Looking at You (all articles) for November 2018
- They shall grow not old as we that are left grow old: age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we will remember them. About 20 years ago I had been to the local war memorial on Remembrance Sunday and had been thinking...They shall not grow old
- Autumn has traditionally been a time when Christians explore the big questions about life and death. Watching the leaves fall and the nights draw in is an opportunity for all ages to think about love and loss and remember in special ways. Children ask questions about death for all kinds of reasons. It may come...Love, loss, and remembering
- You’ve just sat down to supper and the phone rings. It is yet another cold-caller, trying to sell you something. A nuisance to most of us, but a potential danger to hundreds of thousands of elderly and vulnerable people who might respond to the offer of ‘personal injury’ claims or ‘protection insurance’. It is reckoned...When your phone rings and rings
- Everyone knows it is dangerous to drive and text. But many of us walk and text – with potentially disastrous results. Now government transport advisers are thinking of placing road signs on the ground to guide so-called ‘zombie pedestrians’ who are glued to their phones – and oblivious of traffic around them. In Augsburg Germany,...The perils of zombie walking
- Are you afraid of the big spiders that come into your house each autumn? Then avoid wandering around your house at about 7.35pm each evening. It seems that that is the peak time for creepy crawlies to scuttle around your house, looking for a mate. An entomologist at the University of Gloucestershire adds: ‘We think...Spider time of day
- The midlife crisis that often hits men of 40 or 50 has developed some new symptoms. No longer are they so likely to buy a sportscar. Instead, they are more likely to go vegan (24 per cent) and sign up for ‘Tough Mudder’ competitive events (31 per cent). The study by BUPA Health Clinics found...The new midlife crisis for men
- Oh dear. You won’t want to know this as the Christmas party season gets underway. But according to the World Health Organisation, Britain is now the third fattest nation in Europe, and fuelled by a booze-soaked lifestyle. Only Malta and Turkey now have higher obesity levels than the UK. In total, 27.8 per cent of...We are the third fattest in Europe
- Honey is far more likely to do you good than antibiotics if you have a cold and cough this autumn. That is the recent new guidance from the NHS. Research has found that honey significantly reduces the frequency and severity of coughs. The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) and Public Health England...Yummy honey